with the snap of a wing, the world changes
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“PNAC Abusers are Global, Lean, Mean and Flexible”
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Abuse, the Swine flu inluences Markets, as if the PNAC didnt know | Marla with Iraqi surviver she was murdered by PNAC/Bush |
“PNAC Abusers are Global, Lean, Mean and Flexible”
That’s what they say.
That’s their intent, stress test, behavior modification.
US troops are taking on the Taliban in Kandahar Afghanistan, Obama priority BS deceit.
Fear of swine flu is controlling the Markets, as if the New World Order/PNAC didn’t know that.
“Marla Ruzicka remembered”
PNAC government practice abuse on populations.
The PNAC practice patterns of abuse. Clearly this is beneficial for the Controllers; the people are going through abuse/control daily. And Obama is playing along with his PNAC bosses just fine
Domination - To dominate someone is the attempt to control them and their action(s). The dominator, the PNAC has a massive need to get their way. They will often resort to threats in order to get what they want. This type of behavior includes ordering someone around, monitoring their time and activities, restricting resources (finances, phone, job, school they spy on them), restricting outside activities or social activities, closing schools, excessive threatening to harm the public, or property, forcing them into illegal activity like the Iraqi war. And with their use of EM technology they are controlling meteorological events. Nothing is left to chance by the Abusers
The government increase the blanket of fear, New Yorkers looking up take the plane people think this is another attack fear ensues it’s a heart stopper it provokes fear classified photo shoot BS, Cholera fear, Swine Flu fear, Financial fear, all that fear spread by the government, people forget who they are, people are easily controlled with the huge blanket of fear spread by the government. In fact the government covers their factual intent with fear, so people don’t see the true picture; the real picture is made fuzzy and distorted with the increase of all the panic. It’s a level of control; there is a specific reason for that.
Abuse is beneficial for the PNAC to dominate the victim, the “public”.
They will resort to threats in order to get what they want. This type of behavior includes ordering people around, monitoring their time and activities spy tactics, restricting resources (finances, phone, job, school), restricting outside activities or social activities, keeping people from their family destroy family unity and property, forcing them into illegal activity like CEO of financial institutions etc. Ken Lay, David Kellermann, were clearly forced into illegal activity, first get them into compromising situation then steal the money, then kill them, so then the PNAC kills and cries suicide, that’s over abusive.
Verbal - This includes belittling, criticizing, name-calling, screaming, threatening, excessive blaming, shaming, using sarcasm in a cruel way or expressing disgust. This type of abuse is extremely damaging to the victim's self esteem and self image. Just as the abuser's wars and threat of disease assaults our bodies, their words destroy our mind and spirit, causing wounds that are too difficult to heal
Constant Criticism - When someone is always finding fault in the things we do or say and blames us for everything that goes wrong, it's the effect of this that does damage. Hearing this day in & day out, (Media attacks, propaganda) eats away at our self confidence & sense of self worth. It undermines any good feelings we may have about ourselves or our accomplishments. Bush (aggressive) and Obama (passive aggressive) disguise this type of abuse, as humor. Telling someone they are stupid or fat or ugly and then tell them they are just joking, has the same effect.
Abusive expectations - The abuser places unreasonable demands on his/her partner giving the PNAC trillions. This is when the abuser expects someone to put aside their needs & wants for government and country in order to gain additional domination. We are expected to give the government abuser our undivided attention, demanding constant sacrifice, require to spend all our attention to them. This type of demand and government will never be pleased or get enough, there will always be something more we should do. We will be subjected to constant criticism and berating because we don't fulfill “Their” needs.
Emotional Blackmail - This is the most powerful form of manipulation. This occurs when the abuser PNAC/Bush/Obama/Clinton etc talk the public victims into doing what they want by playing on the victims fear, guilt or compassion. The abuser may threaten war, swine flu, bird flu, and financial disaster if they don’t get what they want until the people give in to the abusers demands, like the financial disaster demand of trillions. They use fear tactics to get you under their control.
People suffer drastic mood swings, sudden emotional outbursts for no reason. This is so damaging it keeps the population on edge, never knowing when the bomb will drop. Living under such government domination is extremely demanding & anxiety provoking – people feel constantly frightened, unsettled, and off balance. This government manipulation can lead to mental illnesses, such as bipolar or certain personality disorders (Borderline Personality Disorder) which can cause someone to have drastic mood swings, emotional outbursts (sudden anger, rage, fear, cancer other diseases).
The ten year ban on assault rifles AK47 in the US expired we can buy them again, this didn’t just slip by the PNAC government controllers, they could be inviting a revolution?
The emergency declaration in the United States lets the government free more money for antiviral drugs and give some previously unapproved tests and drugs to children. One-quarter of the national stockpile of 50 million courses of antiflu drugs will be released. More money for the PNAC.
Gates in his short TV appearance, calls Iraq and Afghanistan theaters; theaters don’t look like slaughter houses.
Most government stands under the shadow of fraud, from Bush to newly elected South African Zuma, none are convicted.
This phenomenon is at the present the model of governments around the world.
The people know and are fed up with criminal government.
“Blame the victim”, Blame the Muslims, who ever, just do not take responsibility.
Perhaps finally people realize how truly corrupt government is.
Another 9 – 11 would give them the excuse the nuke Middle East countries.
Couple of suitcase nukes, designate cities, New York and Los Angeles for example Blame Islamists and voila the New World Order would have their excuse. Hussein was blamed for WMD when there weren’t any, al-Qaida for the Twin Towers the jury is out on that.
Swine flu allows government more control over citizens. PNAC could have released the air born swine virus and now sell the vaccine.
Billions of dollars are being raised and spent to research H5N1 and prepare for a potential avian influenza pandemic. Over ten billion dollars have been lost and over two hundred million birds have been killed to try to contain bogus H5N1.
People have reacted by buying less chicken causing poultry sales and prices to fall, who profits?
First cows and the loss of income for those farmers; farmers, chickens and the loss of food and income for the farmer, now with H1N1 we have the same scenario.
For example there are now 2000000 Iraqis dead from the PNAC/Bush invasion. we are kept ignorant as to how many.
Marla Ruzicka helping Iraqi families find their murdered loved ones identified them and assisted Iraqi families in closer, Marla was murdered by the Bush a particularly evil, brutal, hideous attack. Marla Ruzicka was a loving humanitarian providing a needed service.
Body count is extremely important, of the Iraqi dead and the Amerian dead but is hidden from the public-
As founder of CIVIC (Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict), Ruzicka worked 15-hour days in the war zone, going door to door to evaluate the harm done to innocent Iraqis caught in the line of fire. Ruzicka then uses that information to lobby the U.S. government for assistance.
They gave her assistance all right.
Ruzicka was in no way political, worked diligently to help victims. Her young life snuffed by government with out moral.
Iraqi or American dead were not counted under the threat of death from the PMAC/Bush crowd.
Sadly Marla a US citizens paid the price no one should pay for humanitarian service.
While corrupt murderers survived 8 years of criminal activity and went home unscathed with truckloads of money, no responsibility and no prosecution for crime committed.
Ruzicka was set on this course after 9/11 when she went to Afghanistan on a campaign to help those in the line of fire between US troops and suspected Taliban strongholds.
Trust the Government a silly notion that is perfectly clear.
Of course this is not new, but we are not concerned about the past we are concerned for the here and now, it looks dismal.
They always find something, swine flu, bird flu etc to spread fear, keep the population from seeing the real picture; cloak government activities, plus it’s convenient to kill off more people, death count must be kept up or even accelerated.
Don’t panic you could die, that’s the message from government. Any one sick should stay home, businesses are shut down, schools closed, subway, movies closed clear the streets, control the people, avoid kissing and breathing; the government could invade your privacy nosing around your house. They can if they want.
Too many people, too expensive, less is better in PNAC view.
Current leaders of most countries are under subjugation of the New World Order, Global Economic melt down, Freddie Mac and Fanny, houses, mortgages financial institutions, the whole ball of wax. The World Bank under their control predict one trillion human beings will starve and die, mostly women and children, and so what are they are they doing about that, A hand full of absolutely misguided men rule the world, with their concept they are pursuing a campaign of murder, control, theft and chaos world wide. Attention, here come the designer bugs.
Many citizens still have no idea that world leaders are not independently voted in, or are independent decision makers they are indeed ruled by one organization the relatively few “Novus Ordo Seclorum secret crowd (Bilderberg Group) which regulate, subjugate and abuse.”
Totalitarians, corrupt brutality should not be the hands guiding and rule the world population.
Swiss citizens have once again the opportunity to vote for alternative medicine March 17 2009, although Pascal Couchepin member of the Swiss Federal Counsel since 1998 and president of the Confederation, denied alternative services last time before the population even had a chance to vote on it. Time to resign.
Canadian dunces recruit donkeys into their military service and with that put them in harms way. They want war; they want military, let them die in battle leave our innocent four legged friends alone.
See you next time
Friday, April 24, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“What’s going on?”
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Tax Payers have been treated as if they`re used to pay the PNAC Government. They are not getting what they’re paying for, they are being cheated at the end of a gun and they know it. |
Tax Payers have been treated as if theyre used to pay the PNAC Government, there are not getting what they’re paying for, they are being cheated at the end of a gun and they know it.
H1N1 swine flu air born virus, killing our food and clearing the land of the population that could be. In addition it’s a new strain. engineered.
We are likely to find more cases," a CDC Doctor told a telephone conference. "We don't think this is time for major concern around the country."
They should know they are spreading it.
Kill chickens, kill the pigs, slaughter cows, drive up food prices, take food from the population.
What about the pigs who order and engineer these viruses released, what about them, of course they’re not accountable
A ten-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl were diagnosed with swine flu in Southern California, leading scientists to wonder if swine flu is spreading directly among humans. Neither child had reported contact with swine.
Wonder, wonder they say, don’t they know are they out of control? That is often the problem they know what they engineered in their test tubes but they don’t know the effect on the population until it is released, they can always blame the chickens or pigs or cows, what ever.
What exactly are leading scientist and what if it did spread to humans.
The PNAC Contractors and Military slaughter humans by tens of thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world, why should a few more million matter.
We are concerned what the H1N1 PNAC/Zionist leaders are doing, with vaccine and virus, extremely concerned and well we should be. We can see the bombs, missiles and Contractor/Military, but virus is invisible and silent.
Could be, the time has come to test designer bugs, release them and experiment how the damn things work on humans.
No cause for alarm, they have dozens of test tubes full of surprises. The best is yet to come.
I like this one “The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” of course we know they are kidding.
Ah yes Taliban, Taliban, Taliban. Al Qaida is out Taliban is in.
Gates talked about some existential blah in Pakistan, things haven’t gone to well since the PNAC overturned Musharaf leadership or maybe this is what the PNAC wanted, more chaos. However the New World Order doesn’t function that way every thing is premeditated and planned in advance.
UN Secretary General sends a team of experts to Shri Lanka, That’ll work, right. That’ll levitate starving and diseased humans off the ground.
Security adviser Condoleezza Rice verbally OK'd the CIA's request to subject alleged al-Qaida terrorist Abu Zubaydah to water boarding in July 2002, (oh why not, “we don’t torture”) a decision memorialized a few days later in a secret memo that the Obama administration declassified last week.
No body will be prosecuted for administrating torture
Rice water boarding, she is in to water sport, debriefed sure why not, can’t buy shoes all the time.
She disappeared, where all former PNAC lieutenants went with tons of money, out of sight.
That is fascinating, both the money element and the evaporation phenomenon.
Contingency war, enforcement event, so we shift the people from one place to another. An absurd agenda.
Instead of killing themselves the happy warriors kill others
what they want is insane and impossible.
With the war on terror the PNAC created groups like al-Qaida and Bush really screwed up the Democracy movement, he failed.
See you next time
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“In The Middle Of The Night”
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us the Taxpayer | David Kellermann |
Bang You’re Dead.
Ah, another suicide; CEO David Kellermann Freddie Mac dead. What a surprise. He obviously knew too much about Government fraud; the man knew too much and was about to spill the beans. So reminiscent of Ken Lay of Enron, also was ready to talk, also liquidated, shot in the head in his home in Colorado. One makes a pact with Satan, one must expect reckoning.
These men know the government spies on every body. Unless they had a secure phone and mailed a document stating government fraud essentials, no one will ever know the government deceit, specially under PNAC Bush. Who by all public knowledge hales from a prominent crime family. That’s well known. People like Kellermann and Lay are slow or threatened.
Kellermann could have been dead when he hanged himself, break Kellermann`s neck before stringing Kellermann. There is always that possibility. The coroner will know, but will not reveal his finding. Too dangerous, he may end up hanging around or have a prominent hole in his head; If he talks.
David Kellermann hung around in his basement, in his Virginia home but did he hang himself? When guys evolved with Government crime start talking it’s extremely dangerous for their breathing. Then PNAC boys will practice the all American Sport, suicide by murder. When it comes to discloser; damn it’s a shame, after all Kellermann put mucho dinero in their pocket.
Guys, Guys when you will learn. Talk first. Do not hang around and do not shoot yourself in the back with a tire iron then slam yourself in the trunk. It is clear how governments handle people, with force, deceit, no mercy or compassion. Bang you’re dead. There are too many of these suicides to list on this up date, you will find them on the net.
“A single clause in Point 19 of the communiqué issued by the G20 leaders amounts to revolution in the global financial order.
“‘We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250bn (£170bn) into the world economy and increase global liquidity,’ it said. SDRs are Special Drawing Rights, a synthetic paper currency issued by the International Monetary Fund that has lain dormant for half a century.
“In effect, the G20 leaders have activated the IMF’s power to create money and begin global ‘quantitative easing’. In doing so, they are putting a de facto world currency into play. It is outside the control of any sovereign body. Conspiracy theorists will love it.”
They have agreed, they control and put the de facto world currency in play, their monetary fund, their decision, so nobody but the New World Order has absolute power over another horrific hand binding world subjugation.
It reminds of the EU and NATO and other controlling PNAC intent.
South Africa Black Citizens can now vote in their own country, and this is what, 2009;
however in Haiti people can not vote in their own country, voting has been thrown out on a technical BS. As have the leader of the country Mr Aristide and his wife, they were forcefully singled out by PNAC military, operatives in the middle of the night and forcefully exiled to an undisclosed destination.
This is how the Novus Ordo Seclorum (PNAC/Bilderberg Group) operate and subjugate and it should inform us as to how they use their power.
They entirely act as they please, lord and overseer of all people of the world. No one else has power, they have a firm grip on every thing on the planet, they organize and run the world population and leaders; they alone have and use dictatorial power.
The PNAC police every inch of land and waters and control every territory and ocean. There is not a millimeter they don’t control and subjugate.
Do not worry about the future, we don’t have one.
Pirates are tried in the US, why; why should the US be the lord of all trial and the ruler of the world. Because they can, the incrementally usurped all power and now they own it completely and absolutely.
The Basel Tower the huge Bilderberg Phallic Symbol,
Pahll – ic, yes indeed. It clearly says F`you; and they did do and will keep doing it..
Some where, some how we missed the bus or the boat.
The bastards have us by the short hairs and they’ll hold on,
no matter how hard we wiggle.
Israel celebrated their whining holocaust day yesterday; they are the only people on earth who suffered.
They make others suffer, they do; and that makes it all OK.
Only Israel suffers, blind brutal Israel, no compassion, staunchly clenched jaws against truth and so the Zionists carry on their vicious cruelty and racism.
Israel nor Britain have an elected PM they obviously run under the Bilderberg Group.
If the PNAC doesn’t pick leaders up in the middle of the night exile them or kill them they keep them on as lieutenants serving the New World Order, Brown, Olmert. These lieutenants do their dirty bidding.
Not one Hitler, a cluster of Hitlers.
All committed fraud and felony, all stole from their partners or caused harm to others, including murder and according to such felons should therefor be convicted without delay, to prevent further fraud, misdeed, slaughter, theft, and deceit. Bush and Cheney conviction nessessary or the entire process is futile.
And for the sake of the Earths civilization take their toys from them, EM Technology, Dime Bombs, Ebola is the common term for a group of viruses belonging to genus Ebolavirus (EBOV), which is a part of the family Filoviridae, platelets are unable to coagulate, Designer Bugs, Drones, Nuclear, Stealth Weaponry, Stealth Sub – Marines, Stealth Planes, Military Planes using UFO Technology, in short every thing they play with and they will use on Humanity.
You may never get your money back, (700 billion) they are changing the value of legal tender at this time with the global currency deceit, and they planned to use all ready made WMD and fun stuff like EM technology.
You’ll never get your money back, it’s not 700 billion, not at even, 12.8 trillion is what it is, if they had just paid off the mortgages but then they couldn’t have filched as much as they did, Bush started the stone rolling.
Whistle Dixie people wave bye bye, you’ll never see your house or money again.
They are changing the value of legal tender with the new global currency deceit, and they planned to use all ready made WMD and fun stuff like EM technology.
The PNAC continues Iraq slaughter, one target today, Iranian pilgrims.
Although if we take away their toys they might get very unhappy and we wish them to be happy, only the happier they are the more insane they get.
So it’s a toss up.
Let them be happy and kill every living organism on the planet, or get them disgruntled and convict them for their transgression.
Praying for them seems the best option.
See you next time
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“We are Gods Children, not Slaves of the Bilderberg Group.”
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Canadian Photo Journalist beaten to death in Iran Prison July 11 2003 | Mula doesn`t honor Women |
Roxana Saberi US Journalist in Iran Evin prison |
Roxana Saberi should be freed immediately. We remember Canadian photo journalist Zahra Kazemi and what Iran did.
“Guantanamo is Still open.”
Focus on good Neighbor Relation, not World Domination.
Torture is still administered at Guantanamo and elsewhere.
Sheikh Mohammed was water boarded over 180 times in one Month.
We have a situation not under control.
The PNAC/US is pumping 17,000 additional troops into Afghanistan. Water boarding on a grand scale.
Don’t be so negative. When they truck out nuclear and EM technology, then we can be negative, and dead.
Tie their shoelaces together; one doubts they wear Gucci loafers.
Merely PNAC/Bilderberg/Zionist in control, Heil, they are not kidding?
As we have already reported, Obama changed the curtains in White House. Guantanamo still has over 200 inmates, torture continues daily, plus there are now additional Guantanamos across the US. Captives are held by force in Guantanamo, are beaten, and deprived of food and sleep. All that is still going - on status quo. So Obama promises were not necessarily lies. They are purely untruth. The Bilderberg Gestapo would promise any thing and give nothing;
Lies from the onset,
that way people don’t lull in the “truth”.
Truth is strictly off limit. The new phase is Democratic president deception, a new PNAC/Bilderberg president; behind closed doors his curtains have been hung.
We are so content, financial institutions the guys who screwed us along with the government got billions, citizens got nil; that and the coming global currency should tell us something, “World Domination isn’t far from completion.” Nuclear, EM and melt down weapons are on the menu, we are fed lies and deception.
Some of the money is about to be committed to PIPIP, if you know what that is, they’re giving us 66 dollars on a hundred, the 66 shrank after that. Actually this is a stress test.
Let’s ask the banks if they did anything wrong. George Washington had financial panic. In 200 years nothing changed.
700 financial institutions fail, good luck with your 401 pay. Now don’t you feel well again?
Isn’t it enough, yet people are paying taxes, has the dim fairy paid a visit people. Get a tea bag throw it in Boston Harbor.
Dropping the “F” bomb on the Nation of the United States
brought down the entire country; as for the government, kick`m, a government with out accountability are tyrants.
When the Brits tyrannized the American Colony 30,000,000 of the indigenes People (Indians) were murdered, murdered,
thirty million. That’s called genocide.
Mohammad al-Qurani, a Canadian national, said in a phone conversation with Aljazeera that the alleged ill-treatment "started about 20 days" before Barack Obama became US president and "since then I've been subjected to it almost every day".
Has any thing changed since the democratic PNAC chap took over except the curtains? Was Guantanamo closed, NO.
His second day in office, Obama ordered the closure of the illegal prison; obviously he only has the power the PNAC deal him. Obama decisions are made by the PNAC he is futile.
Obama also signed an order ending the harsh interrogation of prisoners - including the water boarding technique that causes detainees to feel like they are drowning.
Smashing out captive’s teeth, that’s considered OK by the Obama/PNAC administration. Obama, apparently impotent president, yet another PNAC lieutenant finger-puppet.
Great that’s just what we needed. Since Roosevelt and Hitler, nothing did change.
240 prisoners remain in Guantanamo, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who is suspected of planning the September 9 - 11, 2001, attacks on the US which goes under the category, fabrication.
“Illegal torture facility, NO CHANGE”. Brutality, Iraq and Afghanistan NO CHANG. EM, FINANCIAL PANIC, NO CHANGE. In reality it’s progressing toward worse.
A bill is currently on the table, they’ll open Six detention Centers on military basis in the US and the torture goes on. No body can enter government property. They could rip out finger nails and skin them alive and make lampshades.
So with the 240 in Guantanamo they are claiming how wonderful things are, the magnificent torture goes on and the 240 are beaten and abused in Guantanamo. The others are in other forced detention receiving the same treatment. Actually nothing Changed, nice Curtains Barak and Michelle.
Here is a joke “UN Conference on Racism”.
R Sen. John Ensign narrow and hateful is of the opinion Obama shouldn’t be friendly with Hugo Chavez because “said the diplomat”, Chavez is a brutal dictator, hilarious thing to say.
Did John Ensign look at his own government, Iraq and Afghanistan brutality, learn what’s brutal and realize whos dictator, ignorance is not an excuse. A closed mind is a dangerous mind, Mr. Ensign.
The UN summit on racism, what utter and pure nonsense. Delegates walking out on Ahmadinejad does not reflect poorly on Ahmadinejad, it reflects the rudeness and poor manner of the delegates. Certainly not neighborly. Israel is obviously racist, by far not truthful or kind.
Ahmadinejad is truthful when he said the Zionist State is cruel and racist.
Though Iran must release Roxana Saberi from Evin Prison if Iran wants to have a voice of justice and honesty.
Iran after all beat to death the Canadian photo journalist Zahra Kazemi for taking pictures several years ago with out reprisal. Roxana Saberi should be freed immediately.
Since when isn’t Zionist Israel racist, they always were, and always will be; at least admit your racism. Admit your fault; stand by the obnoxious behavior which is the paragon of Israel.
Anti Semitism, absolutely, the whole world is opposed to Zionist/Israel brutality which they themselves have created. What exactly did they do in Gaza recently and in Lebanon a few years ago. They just can’t take the truth. They just want the world to hate them, that gives them an excuse to whine. Truth is a dirty word for Zionist/Israel. Racism from a people who not so long ago suffered because of racism.
The US like wise is unbelievably racist.
30,000,000 Native Americans murdered by the invaders, no rights in their own country.
Blacks can go to war for them but are still regarded as slaves.
A black president isn’t going to gloss that over, they should be ashamed and park the racism, but they’re not.
Black universities and colleges are again the first Target blamed and blacklisted again, under terrorist suspicion by the US government again or maybe we should say still.
In Americas South a good number despise Jews and Blacks and this is not gracious or kind. This is racism, it’s ludicrous because most of the US government are Jews, ditto the Bilderberg Group.
A man who thinks he is better than his brother is clearly on the wrong path; and where there is over abundant wealth there is crime. As seen with certain families Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger, Bush etc.
Obama shaking the hand of Chavez and why not?
Good neighbor policy is desperately needed.
Focus on good Neighbor Relation, not World Domination, would be a great improvement.
But the Zionist/PNAC and the US/PNAC are profiteering war hogs. Anyway Israel has been reduced to a Bilderberg Satellite.
Who ever thought of having a summit on racism, where did this pretence come from, whos absurd idea of fantastic deception was that?
Enough with the Summits already go shake the hand of a neighbor.
Were Obama not under directive of the “New World Order” and permitted his own mind, he might even be a decent president making OK decision, will we ever know?
The world is in PNAC chaos, and the world will have what ever the New World Order ordain, suppression, subjugation and world currency. Look around, look at Brown, Sarkozy and Olmert, the world is on the path to ruin, the New World Order has shattered humanity and will not rest until world domination is finally in their incompetent hands.
We are Gods children, not slaves of the Bilderberg Group.
See you next time
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“Obama Changed the Curtains in the White House”
Josef Goebbels was an outstanding Propaganda Minister |
Nice curtains. The world remains a disaster.
Don’t expect changes for the good of the world.
Spying on the American public has not changed; on the contrary it has been technically enhanced.
The Court; a sworn affidavit that AT&T's internet traffic in San Francisco runs through fiber-optic cables at the company's Folsom Street facility. Using a device known as a splitter, a complete copy of internet traffic that AT&T receives--email, web browsing requests and other electronic communications sent by AT&T customers, or received from people who use another internet service provider--was diverted onto a separate fiber-optic cable connected to the company's SG-3 room, controlled by NSA. Only personnel with NSA clearances--either working for, or on behalf of the agency--have access to this room.
I do not want to give you a false impression of the serious situation; perhaps giving people a false sense of security
in the present situation.
Minimizing or downplaying a growing danger by lulling Americas people to sleep, the Novus Ordo Seclorum is the danger we face today.
The PNAC is not only a doctrine of terrorism; it also practices terrorism.
It strives for its goal with an infernal thoroughness, using every resource at its disposal.
That is proof the New World Order is every where on the planet, and that will not go away simply because we ignore it.
It has so deeply infected the world, both spiritually and politically.
I do not flatter myself believing that my remarks will influence public opinion.
I do claim the right to call a danger if it threatens the US and the entire world. Terrorist military power can not be overestimated. PNAC/Zionist/New World Order is a direct threat to every Nation. It has not only a military, but also an intellectual and spiritual significance for all people.
We want no more illusions and lies. We want to courageously look facts in the face, how ever horrible they may be.
A merciless war is still raging in the Middle East.
Wash my back, but don’t get it wet; the danger coming at us is enormous.
The Iraq and Afghanistan war has become a matter for the entire American Nation. How can we tolerate the situation in which most people carry the burden of the war.
No one resists the burdens of war.
But it angers people when a few always avoid the burden.
Every one must learn to pay and pay attention to war morale.
PNAC has eliminated the middle class which resulted in a monopoly of the world economy.
Do we believe the New World Order will change and benefit the people? One thinks not.
If any one is under the false impression Obama is not a PNAC man as Bush, then that one is in danger and under false information. The PNAC/Zionists are in charge they pick presidents and kill heads of state.
Bush had an unattractive way of dealing with politics and people.
Obama was chosen because he’s black, speaks softly and smiles a false smile, one should not be fooled such superficialities.
Perhaps Mr. Obama could tell us as he speaks about Cuba, where Fidel Castro is in reality.
And why his administration spies on America with advanced technology even more intense than the previous administration.
Obama is just the next of New World Order Deceivers chosen for specific qualities. Let us say a Bush opposite.
And let us realize that nothing has changed only the faces.
So far we have seen a continued Obama propaganda campaign for the PNAC, one might inquire what Obama has done to benefit the people? He’s changed the curtains and he accumulates travel miles.
Sarah Palin is laying a marker for the White House, perhaps she has the PNAC hand in her back, don’t think it couldn’t happen.
See you next time
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Thursday, April 16, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
“High Priests of Globalization.”
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Skull and Bone Occult Yale University "Bilderberg Group PNAC/New World Order/Zionist Legacy"
Heil, Heil The Gangs All Here
By invitation only Skull and Bones Occult
The Trilateral commission a vehicle for multinational consolidation of commercial and banking interests, Project David Rockefeller.
HomelandThe Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity”
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
What the US did and is doing in Iraq is pure barbarism and against all law, obviously they defy the law and all decency or honor. Focus is and will remain world domination by any means including barbaric fraudulent behavior. With 58 permanent basis and the largest embassy in the world they call the green zone underground and for what, why is that and why is all that necessary? Having murdered the leader and his family and government and millions of Iraqi citizens. Brutally murdered one might add with the help of traitors Allawi and his death squad. Israeli and US war crimes have been excused by the New World Order, they have the power. The New World Order operate with planned purpose.
Under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security and the Pentagon. Would one say this is Guantanamo every where in the US.
National Emergency Centers Establishment Act (HR 645) was introduced in the US Congress in January. It calls for the establishment of six national emergency centers in major regions in the US to be located on existing military installations.
The stated purpose of the "national emergency centers" is to provide "temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster." In actuality, what we are dealing with are FEMA internment camps. HR 645 states that the camps can be used to "meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security."
Once a person is arrested and interned in a FEMA camp located on a military base, that person would in all likelihood, under a national emergency, fall under the de facto jurisdiction of the Military: civilian justice and law enforcement including habeas corpus would no longer apply.
by Michel ChossudovskyThe PNAC intends to create one world currency and eliminate the US dollar. How many and whom they murder is completely unimportant, on the other hand World Domination is paramount.
The Bilderberg Group/PNAC is a group of influential people, mostly politicians and business people, whose existence and activities are private, but rule the world.
They are the High priests of Globalization.
Even if the PMAC did recall the US military there are an equal amount of Blackwater and other contractors over 100,000 strong left in Iraq on a permanent basis to keep on murdering and controlling.
Obama will, as we will come to realize, continue the PNAC/Bush Policy in Iraq and around the world. No abandonment of world domination intent.
Iraq is their stronghold in the Middle East as of now and from there they will control.
What happened in a small 9 – 11, may be shocking, what happened in Iraq is more than shocking, what happened in Iraq, Baghdad and cities across Iraq, can not be described with the word shocking. However what the Bush/PNAC has done in Iraq can be described as mass murder, genocide and heinous, scandalous, monstrous war crime; and it’s not going away or over. Divine conscience can not except nor justify such crime.
Israel is making noises again “they feel threat from Iran” and that’s how they start making excuses to attack Gaza. Israel received great amount of weapons from the US before the last Gaza invasion to commit their war crime.
Israel clearly a PNAC State. With the European Union swindle Blair has duped a number of European countries, murdered leaders who didn’t agree with the PNAC, forcefully removed numerous and imprisoned still others. The PNAC doctrine uses brutality on every level.
And of course loyal lieutenants are under the New World Order directive.
America is not prepared for the shock yet to come, concentration camp facilities built during the Bush administration are in place and ready to be occupied across the US.
Obama and his black smile isn’t helping those who will be arrested for thinking.
Intellectuals, doctors, professors, Muslims, students and people who won’t agree with the PNAC regime will be the tenants of the illegal facilities Bush built.
So far the world has experienced the dark face, though not their darkest, to be sure.
Where do the PNAC members like Karl Rove, Cheney, Bush and comrades evaporate to when they disappear from sight?
How did Castro, Sharon and Arafat die? they were obviously murdered, Arafat was publicly humiliated first, part of the plan, simple. Milosevic, Taylor (Nigeria) and Aristeed (Haiti) removed, one day Bush trundled into Nigeria and said Taylor has got to go and Taylor went, he now resides in that international BS make believe PNAC prison in Dutchland probably where Milosevic was slow poisoned and Aristeed where is he?
The PNAC broom sweeps the world with horror and fear
But don’t worry, Obama will kiss it away and make it all better.
Hitler was, if nothing else, an idiot to go along with PNAC rule and demand.
Them leaving Iraq is not on the agenda once they’re in, they don’t leave,” see Germany”.
The day the PNAC leaves Iraq, Germany, Georgia, Afghanistan and all the other countries across the globe they appropriated will be the day they’re kaput.
Of course we had enough of them, over the eyeball, but they didn’t have enough of us, not yet. And up theirs with the stimulate packages.
It was a dark day for humanity when the pariah spawned their hideous, inhuman plan and then set out to fulfill their desire.
They breed Contractors for their purpose. They murdered 100.000 children in Iraq; they are a vicious, monstrous breed, no compassion, just greed and brutality their only focus “World Domination” mixed with suppression, control, fear, repression, the do or die approach, it is abundantly clear Hitler was one of the lieutenants. Actually the PNAC/Hitler group was brilliant; they managed to murder quite a few people in a relatively short time. They should have been kept on for future horror acts.
Hey mistakes are made, but they can always be corrected with more murder and theft. Takes the peoples mind right off what’s actual happening.
The Mob worked for the PNAC in WW2 down in Cicely Italia.
Sought of early contractors, what ever works.
Strong will, no moral. There never was, nor will there be a more brilliant propaganda minister than Josef Goebels, aluminous man in the PNAC Hitler administration. Goebels committed suicide, including his children and wife Magda; actually Magda poisoned their kids, so no heir to that throne, pity.
Roosevelt fooled all of the people all of the time, great job Franklin. Yes the world has been blued, screwed and tattooed many decades by the PNAC, the (New World Order) which of course is the Bilderberg Group, the hand full of people who have been busy, busy, busy; treat themselves exceptionally well and screw the rest of the population exceedingly well.
Richard Holbrooke is back on the job working full time, that’s so comforting, he gives people the screw hands tied; did a great job on Milosevic, oh Holbrooke is good, he’s good.
Working for the PNAC must be a long holiday. Once they start their vacation on the publics pension, bank accounts, investment and mortgages the festival never ends.
Guys like Milosevic must have felt like fabulous fools when they ended up sitting in the Dutch BS international prison eating poison, oops, made a mistake, bitch.
can’t trust any body, even if they talk fancy pretty, the slime doesn’t show from underneath the tie and suit.
Thailand’s Abhisit has been under attack twice in the last few days; people of Thailand didn’t forget the EM technology attack Tsunami by the Bush gang. Once burned, thousands dead.
The Maersk Alabama captain Philips food aid ship laced with bombs and bullets off the coast of Somalia were pirates really after old rice. The only pirate still alive could be suddenly dead. Off the coast of Somalia where Somalis hate the US, shot down the Blackhawk helicopter and the US operation was overwhelmed, that’s definitely a kill them all Zone. US war ships can now take advantage of the situation and move in.
We only see a small part of the PNAC devastation and fraud and there are still people who believe the grand BS the government fabricate. Though fewer citizens believe the magnificent heap of garbage the PNAC lieutenants portray.
Death By the NumbersOf the 60 cross-border predator strikes carried out by the Afghanistan-based American drones in Pakistan between January 14, 2006 and April 8, 2009, only 10 were able to hit their actual targets, killing 14 wanted al-Qaeda leaders, besides perishing 687 innocent Pakistani civilians. The success percentage of the US predator strikes thus comes to not more than six per cent....
According to the figures compiled by the Pakistani authorities, a total of 537 people have been killed in 50 incidents of cross-border US predator strikes since January 1, 2008 to April 8, 2009, averaging 34 killings per month and 11 killings per attack. The average per month killings in predator strikes during 12 months of 2008 stood at 32 while the average per attack killings in the 36 drone strikes for the same year stood at 11.
There were Germans who in fact believed PNAC Hitler to the last stand broadcasting from the bunker in the Reichskanzlei in Berlin, German citizens were assassinated, shot for treason in last moments before wars end, after fighting for the Fatherland trickery.
One questions how the unimaginable government deception and criminal war can possibly happen and continue for decades.
How a hand full of deceivers control millions, murder and pilfer and lie and people swallow the crap hook line and sinker.
Changing the world currency to one denomination should tell us their intent. World domination.
Hard to believe also is that people like Krupp who not only survived WW2 but never went out of business and the German ship builder Thyssen Nordseewerke which recently donated 3 state of the art stealth submarines to Israel loaded to the hilt with nuclear weapons, missiles mines, pointed at Iran.
Why in the world would the Germans give Israel WMD gifts, to use of course, to bring into play.
How did the New World Order, the PNAC get the whole world in their pocket, simple incrementally, it’s a life-size, huge, colossal cruel pocket and it’s bottomless.
At this point our choices are limited but we still have choices.
They haven’t used weapons from their nuclear stock pile yet or the Thyssen nuclear subs located in the Persian Gulf.
Although they have used new horrific weapons in Gaza called dime bombs. Why are there missiles, nuclear submarines, dime bombs and biological war fair, killer bugs? Simple, they will utilize them.
Infamous deception in their gaze the PNAC doesn’t have just one Führer it has a cluster of Führers one more repugnant than the next. ( Kissinger, Rockefeller or the Bushs, Rove, Rothschild, Cheney and so on.)
At least Hitler had beautiful blue eyes, he screamed like a banshee true, but looked great in uniform. There you have it, Hitler’s plusses. Bush, Clinton with his fake smile, nodding out Reagan, or shoot `em in the face Cheney, no plusses.
So this PNAC/Bilderberg group doesn’t want to be seen, the avatars of cruelty hide, nobody knows where they are, they’re not at all fascinating just utterly outrageous, vicious, greedy and deceiving..
God bless this pack of gang banging perverts, they really need it, completely lost, most likely won’t find themselves many life times to come.
One might be curious why there are Haves and Have Nots, it is because the Have Nots gave everything to the Haves
700 billion, come on, we have a serious insane, glutton for punishment streak. Trust those passionate PNAC terrorists and you earned what they deal.
Ships docked in Israel bringing weapons to devastate Gaza in the dark to liquefy children and babies with dime bombs in Gaza, the British want Africa, the Alabama could bring weapons for the brits..
Last time Israel felt threatened the Zionists attacked Lebanon and Gaza. Now they say they feel a threat from Iran. Go easy blood thirsty Israel.
What’s up with this piracy thing could be this gives the US/PNAC an excuse to move their war ships into not International Waters, hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drug war in Mexico, surefire the PNAC want lovely big territory Mexico, drugs are as good an excuse as any, Seeing through the PNAC cloak of deception isn’t easy, it’s difficult to see through slime.
So, on that cheerful, uplifting note so long for now
See you next time
are everywhere
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Ingrid Margo Journalist
Thanks to my loyal readers, I make a pause.
Elite Horror PNAC Bilderberg Zionist Killers, Thieves and Liars |
The PNAC wanted to murder Castro since before they murdered Kennedy, they got him, they got Castro and they got Cuba.
Since PNAC Hitler and Prescott and after two years of ridiculous PNAC propaganda we have the same PNAC gang bang now with Obama; the same dishonesty, murder and thievery.
Clearly government is never for the people, and the PNAC takes cruel measures against citizens.
One can’t imagine how much of the peoples money went home with George W, Prescott and George Herbert, the Zionists and Cheney.
US Decline is a longstanding PNAC Bilderberg plan and Obama speaks thus- one sentence he wants peace in the region (Middle East) withdraw troops, maybe not contractors, the next sentence declares ramping up of military in Afghanistan. That doesn’t compute, actually it’s major BS again, they planned in fact every thing that is, they carefully planned it way in advance and incrementally implemented the plan. They possess many tongues and soiled smiles.
A Syrian supposedly was going to associate Obama in Turkey, sure he was. Personally I don’t believe any thing they say, they make up lies and fairytales as they need them. Unfortunately we live in a time where criminals are leaders of government.
The primary crime family should be enslaved. They steal, murder, swindle and lie consistently; the bad part is they get away with crimes for which they get rewarded.
ON 9-11 what we are dealt with is the melting/ burning of metal structures.
They knew they were going to do this horror and indeed they did it.
One could say 9-11 was the start of the financial crises.
Al-Qaida had nothing to do with it; THEY were the Al –Qaida.
“Metals are capable of burning under the right conditions, similarly to the combustion process of wood or gasoline. ...
A thermite reaction is a process in which the correct mixture of metallic fuels are combined and ignited.
Ignition itself requires extremely high temperatures.”
On 9-11 US president Bush, pet my goat, made no comment, vice president Cheney could not be found and air force fighter planes specially trained for quick response emergency at Andrews stayed on the ground, the guys played poker; nothing to say, they already knew.
They knew precisely what they were doing, they were fully aware that the substance they introduced burns metal, that’s why the Twin Towers burned as rapidly as they did, that’s why the president of the US sits mute on a child chair. He was sent to Florida where his brother is governor, Cheney went into hiding god knows where and there was no quick first alert fighter defense response. Merciful God, put aside playing with your ant farm for now and “Perish those Psychopaths”.
Tungsten bombs, Dime Bombs, Zionists terrorists released over Gaza, melt people from the inside out. In other words these bombs melt people’s organs first. Conceivably invented, developed by the vicious, criminally insane PNAC terrorists in the US. Surviving Victims are guaranteed to become later cancerous.
One could imagine these terrorist weapons are developed by scientists in the US supplied by the US/PNAC. The scientists later terminated by government
Readers can reach their own conclusions as to the far-reaching implications of these findings.
Right conditions could undeniably provided by PNAC-front row Bilderberg-Zionists.
I thank you and wish you the best, hell doesn’t freeze over, the moon isn’t green cheese and eventually the world will be free of the PNAC Bilderberg scourge.
What’s more Terrorism is not acceptable in any circumstances from any corporation or organization, clearly not from the PNAC, Bildergog Group, Corporation or any government in the world as well.
It wasn’t acceptable from Stalin or Hitler and is not acceptable from this PNAC Bilderberg Corporation.
PNAC/Zionists readily condemn others for what they themselves are doing. The murder of over 100.000 children in Iraq is fact, the killing of innocent children in Vietnam and Cambodia; the PNAC outrageously ran one of their killers in the so called 2 year propaganda presidential race 2009.
Obama “America has changed” BS, may we say America is fine, it is the PNAC which governs America has not and will not change their focus remains the same “Totalitarian World Domination”
So if one believes in liars/killers/fraud, then that’s what one does and hey, good luck.
Those smarter now than folks during the PNAC Hitler period, that’s first-rate.
Michael Khordakovsky got the screw royally by his government.
Around the world dispossessed citizens are deprived of food, family, home, social justice and the rule of law, they carry their belongings in one bag, while the Zionist New World Order PNAC Bilderbergers eat lobster, caviar, steak, roast, coffee, tea, wine, whiskey, desert.
The shoe thrower is sitting in jail, why?
Tell me again, how exactly does PNAC/Zionist government care for its citizens, tell me once more?
Tell me again, how exactly does PNAC/Zionist government care for its citizens, tell me once more?
Thanks again yours truly
See you next time
are everywhere
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