

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“PNAC Abusers are Global, Lean, Mean and Flexible”

Abuse, the Swine flu inluences Markets, as if the PNAC didnt know Marla with Iraqi surviver
she was murdered by PNAC/Bush

“PNAC Abusers are Global, Lean, Mean and Flexible”

That’s what they say.
That’s their intent, stress test, behavior modification.

US troops are taking on the Taliban in Kandahar Afghanistan, Obama priority BS deceit.
Fear of swine flu is controlling the Markets, as if the New World Order/PNAC didn’t know that.

“Marla Ruzicka remembered”

PNAC government practice abuse on populations.
The PNAC practice patterns of abuse. Clearly this is beneficial for the Controllers; the people are going through abuse/control daily. And Obama is playing along with his PNAC bosses just fine

Domination - To dominate someone is the attempt to control them and their action(s). The dominator, the PNAC has a massive need to get their way. They will often resort to threats in order to get what they want. This type of behavior includes ordering someone around, monitoring their time and activities, restricting resources (finances, phone, job, school they spy on them), restricting outside activities or social activities, closing schools, excessive threatening to harm the public, or property, forcing them into illegal activity like the Iraqi war. And with their use of EM technology they are controlling meteorological events. Nothing is left to chance by the Abusers

The government increase the blanket of fear, New Yorkers looking up take the plane people think this is another attack fear ensues it’s a heart stopper it provokes fear classified photo shoot BS, Cholera fear, Swine Flu fear, Financial fear, all that fear spread by the government, people forget who they are, people are easily controlled with the huge blanket of fear spread by the government. In fact the government covers their factual intent with fear, so people don’t see the true picture; the real picture is made fuzzy and distorted with the increase of all the panic. It’s a level of control; there is a specific reason for that.

Abuse is beneficial for the PNAC to dominate the victim, the “public”.

They will resort to threats in order to get what they want. This type of behavior includes ordering people around, monitoring their time and activities spy tactics, restricting resources (finances, phone, job, school), restricting outside activities or social activities, keeping people from their family destroy family unity and property, forcing them into illegal activity like CEO of financial institutions etc. Ken Lay, David Kellermann, were clearly forced into illegal activity, first get them into compromising situation then steal the money, then kill them, so then the PNAC kills and cries suicide, that’s over abusive.

Verbal - This includes belittling, criticizing, name-calling, screaming, threatening, excessive blaming, shaming, using sarcasm in a cruel way or expressing disgust. This type of abuse is extremely damaging to the victim's self esteem and self image. Just as the abuser's wars and threat of disease assaults our bodies, their words destroy our mind and spirit, causing wounds that are too difficult to heal

Constant Criticism - When someone is always finding fault in the things we do or say and blames us for everything that goes wrong, it's the effect of this that does damage. Hearing this day in & day out, (Media attacks, propaganda) eats away at our self confidence & sense of self worth. It undermines any good feelings we may have about ourselves or our accomplishments. Bush (aggressive) and Obama (passive aggressive) disguise this type of abuse, as humor. Telling someone they are stupid or fat or ugly and then tell them they are just joking, has the same effect.

Abusive expectations - The abuser places unreasonable demands on his/her partner giving the PNAC trillions. This is when the abuser expects someone to put aside their needs & wants for government and country in order to gain additional domination. We are expected to give the government abuser our undivided attention, demanding constant sacrifice, require to spend all our attention to them. This type of demand and government will never be pleased or get enough, there will always be something more we should do. We will be subjected to constant criticism and berating because we don't fulfill “Their” needs.

Emotional Blackmail - This is the most powerful form of manipulation. This occurs when the abuser PNAC/Bush/Obama/Clinton etc talk the public victims into doing what they want by playing on the victims fear, guilt or compassion. The abuser may threaten war, swine flu, bird flu, and financial disaster if they don’t get what they want until the people give in to the abusers demands, like the financial disaster demand of trillions. They use fear tactics to get you under their control.

People suffer drastic mood swings, sudden emotional outbursts for no reason. This is so damaging it keeps the population on edge, never knowing when the bomb will drop. Living under such government domination is extremely demanding & anxiety provoking – people feel constantly frightened, unsettled, and off balance. This government manipulation can lead to mental illnesses, such as bipolar or certain personality disorders (Borderline Personality Disorder) which can cause someone to have drastic mood swings, emotional outbursts (sudden anger, rage, fear, cancer other diseases).

The ten year ban on assault rifles AK47 in the US expired we can buy them again, this didn’t just slip by the PNAC government controllers, they could be inviting a revolution?

The emergency declaration in the United States lets the government free more money for antiviral drugs and give some previously unapproved tests and drugs to children. One-quarter of the national stockpile of 50 million courses of antiflu drugs will be released. More money for the PNAC.

Gates in his short TV appearance, calls Iraq and Afghanistan theaters; theaters don’t look like slaughter houses.

Most government stands under the shadow of fraud, from Bush to newly elected South African Zuma, none are convicted.
This phenomenon is at the present the model of governments around the world.
The people know and are fed up with criminal government.
“Blame the victim”, Blame the Muslims, who ever, just do not take responsibility.
Perhaps finally people realize how truly corrupt government is.

Another 9 – 11 would give them the excuse the nuke Middle East countries.
Couple of suitcase nukes, designate cities, New York and Los Angeles for example Blame Islamists and voila the New World Order would have their excuse. Hussein was blamed for WMD when there weren’t any, al-Qaida for the Twin Towers the jury is out on that.

Swine flu allows government more control over citizens. PNAC could have released the air born swine virus and now sell the vaccine.
Billions of dollars are being raised and spent to research H5N1 and prepare for a potential avian influenza pandemic. Over ten billion dollars have been lost and over two hundred million birds have been killed to try to contain bogus H5N1.

People have reacted by buying less chicken causing poultry sales and prices to fall, who profits?
First cows and the loss of income for those farmers; farmers, chickens and the loss of food and income for the farmer, now with H1N1 we have the same scenario.

For example there are now 2000000 Iraqis dead from the PNAC/Bush invasion. we are kept ignorant as to how many.

Marla Ruzicka helping Iraqi families find their murdered loved ones identified them and assisted Iraqi families in closer, Marla was murdered by the Bush a particularly evil, brutal, hideous attack. Marla Ruzicka was a loving humanitarian providing a needed service.

Body count is extremely important, of the Iraqi dead and the Amerian dead but is hidden from the public-

As founder of CIVIC (Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict), Ruzicka worked 15-hour days in the war zone, going door to door to evaluate the harm done to innocent Iraqis caught in the line of fire. Ruzicka then uses that information to lobby the U.S. government for assistance.
They gave her assistance all right.

Ruzicka was in no way political, worked diligently to help victims. Her young life snuffed by government with out moral.
Iraqi or American dead were not counted under the threat of death from the PMAC/Bush crowd.
Sadly Marla a US citizens paid the price no one should pay for humanitarian service.
While corrupt murderers survived 8 years of criminal activity and went home unscathed with truckloads of money, no responsibility and no prosecution for crime committed.

Ruzicka was set on this course after 9/11 when she went to Afghanistan on a campaign to help those in the line of fire between US troops and suspected Taliban strongholds.

Trust the Government a silly notion that is perfectly clear.
Of course this is not new, but we are not concerned about the past we are concerned for the here and now, it looks dismal.

They always find something, swine flu, bird flu etc to spread fear, keep the population from seeing the real picture; cloak government activities, plus it’s convenient to kill off more people, death count must be kept up or even accelerated.
Don’t panic you could die, that’s the message from government. Any one sick should stay home, businesses are shut down, schools closed, subway, movies closed clear the streets, control the people, avoid kissing and breathing; the government could invade your privacy nosing around your house. They can if they want.

Too many people, too expensive, less is better in PNAC view.
Current leaders of most countries are under subjugation of the New World Order, Global Economic melt down, Freddie Mac and Fanny, houses, mortgages financial institutions, the whole ball of wax. The World Bank under their control predict one trillion human beings will starve and die, mostly women and children, and so what are they are they doing about that, A hand full of absolutely misguided men rule the world, with their concept they are pursuing a campaign of murder, control, theft and chaos world wide. Attention, here come the designer bugs.

Many citizens still have no idea that world leaders are not independently voted in, or are independent decision makers they are indeed ruled by one organization the relatively few “Novus Ordo Seclorum secret crowd (Bilderberg Group) which regulate, subjugate and abuse.”
Totalitarians, corrupt brutality should not be the hands guiding and rule the world population.

Swiss citizens have once again the opportunity to vote for alternative medicine March 17 2009, although Pascal Couchepin member of the Swiss Federal Counsel since 1998 and president of the Confederation, denied alternative services last time before the population even had a chance to vote on it. Time to resign.

Canadian dunces recruit donkeys into their military service and with that put them in harms way. They want war; they want military, let them die in battle leave our innocent four legged friends alone.

See you next time

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