

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“McCain will pardon Bush of any Crime he’s convicted of”

Hey Every Body, They Happily Kill

Arie and Scott, Arie and Scott, Arie and Scott show me,

Scott McClellan wrote a tell all book, bad boy, says Arie Fleisher, or Scott may be telling the American People the truth they need to hear and did us all a favor. Of course Bush knew about the book in advance.
Scott calling Bush a Scumbag, so what, so Bush is a scumbag, yes we knew that and Bush knows that. He has ego with out moral.

Hey look around, see world conditions, chaos, cluster bombs, mass murder, Earthquakes, Cyclone, Tsunami, Iraq, Afghanistan, devastation, scumbag is a nice word for the void of all moral liberator; Scott is stating the obvious; Give the kid a break.

And the scumbag does all this for our good. Hey he’s one of the good guys, void of all moral.
Yes we are aware the Bush administration uses propaganda to absurdity, that’s intelligence; Bush doesn’t comment he’s got more pressing matters to deal with. Did Scott really write some thing new?
Did Bush not know about Scott’s book in advance, of course he did.

McCain will pardon Bush of any crimes he’s convicted of.
They’ll write the “pardon scumbag law” in to law, that way any president who’s a triumphant scumbag is automatically pardoned and made a saint.
Halos are given to those using brutality, EM weapons, cluster bombs, uranium and depopulation.
Show us a map; show us a pie chart; that’ll do it, we believe you.
Freedom and Democracy, that’s not happening, we need to be careful, we need to give scumbags equal rights.

As soon as we take out our shorts it gets cold again, that’s what does it, that’s how it works, it’s the damn shorts. But our hearts are warm.
And Bush, he may have destroyed the world and is working on mars now, but his heart is warm, hot even one could say.

The question is, do we need instructions to use the toilette?

Get used to a tighter fit; not just on airlines but an over all tighter fit, on groceries, clothing, oil, cluster bombs, EM, in other words all consumer goods, jump on the band wagon, give the scumbags a hand or the finger.

The UK has two kinds of cluster bombs, and they’re still using them, they still maim and murder children and adults in the Middle East and else where. Some of the nations were conspicuously absent from the Ireland summit among them US, UK, the victims of course are civilians. Why the debate of cluster bomb ban, when they should never have been used at all.
The UK scumbags Blair and Brown are up for the Halo award given to criminals; two kinds of cluster bombs are made in the UK, how many in the USA.
The US and UK are not signing the Ban agreement to ban cluster bombs. They are to concerned about the public, the children.
They roll out the cluster bomb carpets so that people can step on them. The continuous death curse and the bombs don’t go away, they stay. They say the carpets stay. No redecorating, the hallowed scumbag stay too.

Olmert must remove himself, he took cash, ah, that’s the corruption that forces Olmert out, it’s not the demolition of Lebanon two years ago, the mass murder of Palestinians.
Yes that would be OK; the wily politician must go now, the PNAC has decided, the ax has fallen, bad boy Olmert took money.
Translated in to human understanding is not possible, morally wrong PNAC have their own standard of what’s corrupt, what’s criminal and what is punishable by mass murder. The mass murder recently celebrated in Israel with Olmert and Bush in the form of independence day.
Olmert is lucky he got the ax; and not the PNAC Operation, the kiss of death.. He had his ten minutes of glory, he should go now. Tzipi Livni next Israel PM?

But let’s take look back at Israel’s history and what Zion did to it`s own sons especially children, the innocent, the non suspecting victims, let`s look at the early years after the Zionists stole Palestinian lands.

During the 50`s masses of Jewish immigrants, immigrated from North Africa about 100,000 of their children were subjected to X`rays radiation, as a treatment against ringworm.
Thousands of them died and those who survived suffered cancerous after effects.
Who was responsible?

David Deri, one survivor recalls the ringworm Child.
The camp was located in the entrance to Haifa next to the old cemetery. Shaar Ha`aliya we are talking about 100,000 victims most of them dead. Trains brought new victims, new children like Auschwitz.
Dr Chiam Sheva director of the Zionist Ministry of Health objected to the immigration maintaining that children were carriers of contagious diseases the ringworm, to name one. Can you see their beautiful, trusting little faces as they are led to slaughter.

In the Zionist central archive, ringworm is a contagious fungus infection, affecting the scalp. Actually it is a mild social disease, simply eliminated with vinegar, junction violet or garlic. Farmers who milk cows by hand got ringworm, really it’s a disease as government with out moral says, but ringworm became Dr. Sheva`s obsession.

The real issue was social.
Sheva went to the US to raise money to decontaminate the children. He returned rich and with 7 out dated Picker X-ray machines. Doubtful Dr. Sheva overlooked the quality of the merchandise, the machines were out dated. He gave the children radiation treatment on their shaved, smooth exposed scalps. The children received ionized radiation. Under the division of social medicine of the Zionist ministry of health. What was really behind the innocent ringworm murder.

The eugenics theory was developed the start of the 20s in the Anglo Saxon world. Who’s useful to society.
They took it upon themselves to encourage reproduction of useful people (white skin) and discourage those with what they called negative traits (dark skin).

We see here Dr David Sheva and his genocide was the forerunner of the PNAC Nazi Concentration camps complete with train delivery, the PNAC Hitler genocide treatment was Cyanide gas and Zyklon B pellets to eliminate Victims. Dr David Sheva on the other hand used out dated X-ray Machines on innocent children. The dosage the children got was equivalent to 35,000 X-rays. The known dosage on children was 0.5 rad, death was caused by 200 rad, the children got 350 rad to their little heads. And this is 7 years after Auschwitz. Here we must remember they murder their own.
Hitler wasn’t against Jews at all, but later, under the PNAC influence and Prescott Bush heaving financial pressure, Hitler suddenly was. Some how the horror with the children, triggers a voice saying who was in truth involved in the Holocaust. Clearly the horror of the children radiated, murdered for a simple fungus proves they are capable of killing their own.

Mothers were told “you must send your children or you don’t get your food coupons” And look what’s coming around again now, food control, control the food and you control the people, ”Food Control” , Depopulation. Sterilization, Earth quakes Tsunami, Bombs, Cluster Bombs that keep killing,
More than 40 years later, claims for medical negligence were all rejected. Basically the Zionist/PNAC/Nazis slammed the door in the peoples face. They happily murder where ever they can.

Eugenics people also had a program in Greenbelt Maryland USA, where a sterilization machine was hidden behind the counter, people were asked to fill out a form and that’s when they were sterilized. The PNAC Depopulation Program is going on how long?
Ashkanazi- a maniac Rabbi is that where the PNAC got the word Nazi? = Nazi = Zionist = PNAC = US = UK = Australia = Israel.
While David Ben Gourian a Zionist/Nazi spent a great fortune on the ringworm deceit, “how to steal money under the guise of blatant lies”, people were on the austerity ration of bread and margarine, the “ringworm murder the children program” had to have been, how can I steal money and pretend it`s for the good of the children and the mothers and Fathers and of course Israel.

Dr Sheva, Dr Mengele, Bush, Blair, Brown, Hitler, PNAC establishment prefer ego with out moral, the scourge of humanity, eugenics had it all wrong didn’t they?
The color of the skin doesn’t really matter, does it?

So Scott wrote about Bush propaganda used for invading Iraq. Who in the world doesn’t know that, we saw Powel in the UN big as life, with ridiculousness and the little bottle, the WMD lies, the “you’ll be more secure America”, BS propaganda, did Scott really write something new, or some thing we didn’t already know?

Saturdays space shuttle launch is on track, discovery space mission, on board parts and hope and what else, Japan built the lab, Russia manufactured the toilettes and maybe US/UK cluster bombs, some say weapons worse than cluster bombs are on the way to mars. At least the crew has a pot to piss in now.

Surprise, not at all, nothing comes as surprise, it’s the well known incremental subjugation propaganda program the PNAC has been conducting for ages.

Get inspired get with the program, show your appreciation for mass murder. It’s for our good don’t forget.

And hey every body, Nike is giving footballs to a women’s team, the stuff made for Nike, by women on slave labor wages, now that’s really something. Some say we should even be impressed. Actually we are agape.

Bush, a manipulator, really, we didn’t know that.

See you next time


Blue Text

The Jew Watch Project
They were to be used in a mass atomic experiment with an entire generation of Sephardi youths to be used as guinea pigs. Every Sephardi child was to be given 35,000 times the maximum dose of x-rays through his head. For doing so, the American government paid the Israeli government 300,000 Israeli liras a year. The entire Health budget was 60,000 liras. The money paid by the Americans is equivalent to billions of dollars today.

To fool the parents of the victims, the children were taken away on "school trips" and their parents were later told the x-rays were a treatment for the scourge of scalpal ringworm. 6,000 of the children died shortly after their doses were given, the many of the rest developed cancers that killed them over time and are still killing them now. While living, the victims suffered from disorders such as epilepsy, amnesia, Alzheimer's disease, chronic headaches and psychosis.

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