

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ingrid Margo Journalist

Wizards of OZ

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Happy Holidays 2007 ends.

People die world wide because it doesn’t pay to keep them alive, to exspensive, actually they are murdered.

The secret fraternal brotherhood “New World Order” “The PNAC”
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, JP Morgan, clubs cigars and brandy (George C. Soros mercenary for the Rothschilds) Henry Kissinger and others the PNAC, the Bilderbergers.

There are two groups of elite men and women in particular that most American people do not know about, which are a clear threat and danger to the freedom of the American people. These are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission.

"The most powerful clique in these elitist groups has one objective — they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty of the national independence of the United States. A second clique of international members in the CFR founded in 1921 comprises the Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly and the control of global government."
Trilateral founded Commission 1973
Right now the United States is completely under the control of those who run these two organizations (David Rockefeller in particular). It is therefore important to understand these organizations if we wish to understand what has been taking place in the United States since the early 1921.
Unfortunately, the Council on Foreign Relations is not the only group proposing an end to the sovereignty of the United States.

In 1973, founder Edward Madelhouse the Trilateral Commission was founded for one goal,” world domination” The PNAC Corporation which George Bush father, referred to as the “New World Order” in one of his speeches during his term in office.


The Illuminati became a fraternity of brothers, infact the illuminati blood brothers were hiding in the Free Mason Society world wide, this way they were able to move around freely, undetected, hidden in the Free Mason organization in England, France, Germany, America involving families like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers.

George Bush father, son and grand father. Henry Kissinger, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, J.P. Morgan are literally some of the descendants of George C Soros, the former Rothschild mercenary, these men are literally related, they are PNAC members, they are the “blood brother hood.”

Kissinger was born in Fuerth, Germany, on May 27, 1923, he came to the United States in 1938, he became a United States citizen on June 19, 1943. His second marriage to Nancy Maginnes produced two children, his first marriage, two as well. Kissinger, Rothschild etc keep the PNAC well supplied with loyal followers, their propagation, spreading their seed, keep the PNAC in strong and on going members for the fraternity.
They operate in secret, set global policy through the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations and the World Bank.

The PNAC are Master Builders of global complex blueprints, for example the Multilateral Agreement on Investment, Free Trade agreements, and electronic fund transfer systems development or the proposed single global electronic currency this should be viewed as very suspicious.
The media and banks are guilty having helped the government gain public trust through false propaganda.

These new systems are a bag of further controlling false hoods directly and purposefully wheedled on the general public, with unprecedented means of persuasion.

The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), is controlled in the passed and present primarily by Rothschild, these are important reasons to remain suspicious and watchful, to deal with what ever happens. More over one is well informed to “be a critical thinker” maintain that status and think like them.

The "new world order" the Brotherhood ( a network of secretive policy police groups) the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and other highly secretive policies formulated in highly secretive Bilderberg meetings yield unimaginable, immense financial control in global circles with far reaching tentacles deeply entrenched in the U.S. Federal Reserve, Bank of England, Bank of France, European and Swiss banks.
This organization has roots dating back to the Illuminati (1776 illuminati in Europe and America 18th century).

the Bush PNAC government spent 200 billion dollars on their Iraq Afghanistan war this year alone, in his recent speech Bush is asking yet for more and he wants additional money for the Vatican City sized embassy in Baghdad and more for Intelligence. He is in an all out war with Congress.

Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency twice in California, a water state of emergency was also declared in Georgia last week, the bright New World Order increments are getting closer together, the illegal bill Bush signed encroaching on citizens privacy, he is now able to declare a national emergency and confiscate all bank accounts and safety deposit boxes, houses, land of all US citizens.

The Texas governor is authorized to suspend any regulatory statute related to the conduct of state business; use all state and political subdivisions’ resources to cope with disasters; and temporarily reassign staff, functions, and resources to assist with emergency services. In addition, the governor is authorized to commandeer private property (with compensation); recommend
evacuation of all or part of the population from a stricken area, prescribe evacuation routes, transportation modes and destinations, and control ingress and egress; and suspend or limit sales of alcohol, firearms, and explosives.

Bank Of America, Compass Bank managers and all other U.S. banks, have been instructing their employees in the last few weeks on how to respond to customer demands in the event of a collapse of the U.S. economy, which can be any time soon, specifically telling the employees that only agents from the “Department Of Homeland Security” will have authority to decide what belongings customers may have from their safe deposit boxes - and that precious metals and other valuables will not be released to U.S. citizens. The bank employees have been strictly prohibited from revealing the banks' new "guidelines" to anyone. (however, employees have been talking to friends and family)

The next time you visit your bank, ask them about it - then ask yourself, why is this information being kept secret from customers and the public - what's really going on?

FEMA has activated and is currently staffing its vast network of empty internment camps with armed military personnel - unknown to most Americans, these large federal facilities are strategically positioned across the U.S. landscape to "manage" the population in the event of a "terrorist" attack, (who are the terrorists) a civilian uprising, large-scale dissent, or an insurrection against the government. “if you’re not for us, you’re against us” Some of these razor-wired facilities have the capacity of detaining a million people.
The PNAC is clearly prepared for the uprising against their oppression.
It took FEMA 5 days to get water to the Super Dome.

A further point The Patriot Act and the US Senate's vote to ban habeas corpus (Nov 14th) - along with George W. Bush having signed executive orders giving him sole authority to impose martial law, suspend habeas corpus and ignore the Posse Comitatus Act, have together pretty much destroyed any notions of freedom and justice for Americans.

The time has come to consider and reexamine your free, democratic, Novus Ordo Seclorum PNAC Corporate government.- Take a good, hard look at it

By now we are very familiar with incremental moves from the PNAC used in deceiving maneuvers to complete their world globalization plan.

Nero fiddled while he watched his fire, Rome burned he fiddled. Schwarzenegger fiddles any PNAC Corporation tune, Bush sat and fiddled with “ my pet goat” and watched WTC fire. Two in one strike, financial control and terrorist rhetoric. Thousands were murdered there with deception.

The PNAC mobilized Turkey military, a constant military stream is rolling towards Sirnak near the Iraq border looking for the back door in to Iran and Syria. Today Turkey bombed a northern Iraqi city With out reason or sense.
The lie goes,12 people were killed, by some body, much like the Israeli two soldiers captured saga before they invaded Lebanon leveling Beirut without sense or reason.
the same kind of manifesto so the PNAC has a reason, the reason can very well be the careful preparation to invade Iran. Israel claimed 2 of their soldiers were captured just before they flattened Lebanon two years ago and murdered scores of Citizens in Beirut. This time when they bombed and raped Lebanon they took out the entire book publishing industry for the Middle East, all of it, how’s that, and why is that

The Clinton PNAC administration bombed the Al-Shifa ( Arabic for "healing") pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum North, Sudan which was constructed between 1992 and 1996 with components imported from the United States, Sweden, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, India, and Thailand.
The industrial complex was composed of around four buildings. It was the largest pharmaceutical factory in Khartoum and employed over 300 workers, producing medicine both for human and veterinary use. The factory was used primarily for the manufacture of anti-malaria medicines
Clinton said oops “as if” he didn’t know what he did intentionally.

Zarkozy the fresh new man with the PNAC visits his friend in Washington. He guides France but isn’t really French, but what does that matter, it doesn’t as long as he fits in the picture
Bush has a new best friend. Together they make Washington deceiving head lines, Sarkozy stands shamelessly before the American Congress and people and says “so many American lives” lost. How many exactly, Zarkozy doesn’t say because he doesn’t know, the American public doesn’t even know, Bush will not inform the public of that issue he is still keeping the information secret, keeping vital information from the American public. The coffins and body bags hidden from view. How many, is intentionally cloaked.
Rumsfeld shook the hand of once “friend Saddam Hussein” in behalf of PNAC president Ronald Reagan, but then, oops they hanged Hussein he didn’t fit in to the picture any more, absolute precision.

What happened to Rumsfeld, Rove and Ashcroft?

Imagine all the homeless US Veterans in cold streets of
America, while Bush and Sarkozy enjoy a warm candle light dinner in the White House, now that’s a grim picture, a very grim villainess war picture indeed.

Painful Hunger, death brought by a brutal invasive force from across the ocean, the West came to murder their country, their homes, rape their daughters, sons are murdered execution style, their children murdered or born freaks from DU poisoning, DU left behind and sprinkled across Iraq for all to enjoy, this is the PNAC gift laced with intense fear for Iraq, Afghanistan, the greater Middle East, the world.
There is no intent to stop the military or Contractor atrocity, on the contrary, Blackwater is certain proof that the PNAC is going forward with absolute Precision and horrifying intent. And now the administration wants Iraq to pay for the Trilateral, CFR war.

the American public definitely need the new liar friend telling them about their dead, how many, this information is carefully cloaked, how many citizens dead in Iraq and Afghanistan including children, babies, the public is not privileged to the truth, this truth is secretly hidden with caution and purposefulness, out of sight, Americans are kept in the dark, as is the world population.

Lahore Pakistan pretty much looks, like Beirut Lebanon did before the PNAC took over there, planted PNAC protestors, Hariri assassination, chaos and deception.

Todays Negroponte emergence is significant, he does not come out often.
Why did he come out now, for what reason . Good tidings, it’s almost Christmas. Negroponte in a rare TV appearance says “Pakistan is a country vital to the US interest”, the issue is not what Bush PNAC or Negroponte want in Pakistan, the issue is, what Pakistan wants in Pakistan and for Pakistan. Every country is vital to US interest, that’s perfectly clear.
The US government has been dogging and threatening Musharaf. What does it matter what’s vital to the PNAC, every country is vital to PNAC interest; the PNAC has a love for other peoples property. Every country the PNAC is interested in and that means the world, they arrogantly keep stealing.

Bush has a new little weasel in Sarkozy who will lie for him, steal for him and yes, will kill for him.
Does Zarkozy know or care how many US soldiers died.
Does Sarkozy even know that ¼ of the US homeless are Veterans; regrettably all the dead seemingly died in vain in a war fought for PNAC greed and ambition.

Negroponte in a rare TV appearance says “Pakistan is a country vital to US interest”, why else would they be dogging, threatening and hunting Musharaf and they assassinated Hariri because Lebanon was of vital interest to the US.
Plainly put, every country is vital to PNAC interest.
Every country the PNAC is interested in and that means the world.

Athletes are attacked lately , poisoned, discredited, managers are murdered, Haas isn’t the only one, Stuttgart, Germany (Nov. 7) - The International Tennis Federation is investigating allegations that Tommy Haas was poisoned just before Germany's Davis Cup match against Russia, money and influence, can federations be trusted?.

People can’t see through the massive blinding sand storm,
Much like the sand storm used in the Middle East created by powerful Mage, helping Jesus out of the tight situation so he could safely escape the brutal Roman government centuries ago. The Romans too thought their Empire would last for ever and of course it was for the good of the people imperialists say that the PNAC say it too.

the PNAC has achieved the following. goals

Half the world — nearly three billion people — live on less than two dollars a day.
The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the poorest 48 nations (i.e. a quarter of the world’s countries) is less than the wealth of the world’s three richest people combined.
Nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names.
Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.
1 billion children live in poverty (1 in 2 children in the world). 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5 (or roughly 29,000 children per day).

During globalization the PNAC liquidate world population in childhood stage This is cheaper and easier. Eliminating world population at maturity is not as cost effective and more difficult; this was the PNAC experience during the Hitler trial era when people eliminated were mostly adult. Clearly it is important not to repeat mistakes.

viewing world population reduction, from the belief of resources and cost effectiveness, the PNAC merely has a different take on collection of numerical data. They have planned world wide Plague, already available in laboratories as we speak,
with which at least half the world population will be whipped out.
AIDS, Bird flu, BSE have been tested; all government lab designer bugs are ready to be used on the world population.

List of earlier and current Bilderbergers,
the Wizards of OZ

Adam Weishaupt 1776 imagine, 1776
George Washington
George C. Karlweiss
Pope and Vatican 17hundreds or earlier
Edmond de Rothschild, banque privee SA Lugano,
Geneva, Zurich, Lausanne Via Magatte 2 ,dagger and star symbol on the door
George SOROS hit and run banking Secret financial network (mercenary of Rothschild’s)
Queen Beatrix the Netherlands with husband Bernard of Germany

Illuminati hiding in the mason organization, is certainly not surprising, or news, they practiced deceit early on, still practiced today.

The early Popes were wearing illuminati symbols; again no surprise Vatican banks were not only happy, but eager to take as much money from them as they could.
Swiss banking system involvement, again no surprise, greed and power is indeed a horrific disease and many suffer from the affliction, too many one might say..

Bilderberg 2007 Participants List
George Alogoskoufis, Minister of Economy and Finance (Greece);
Ali Babacan, Minister of Economic Affairs (Turkey);
Edward Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury (UK);
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister (Portugal);
José M. Durão Barroso, President, European Commission (Portugal/International);
Franco Bernabé, Vice Chariman, Rothschild Europe (Italy);
Nicolas Beytout, Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro (France);
Carl Bildt, Former Prime Minister (Sweden);
Hubert Burda, Publisher and CEO, Hubert Burda Media Holding (Belgium);
Philippe Camus, CEO, EADS (France);
Henri de Castries, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO, AXA (France);
Juan Luis Cebrian, Grupo PRISA media group (Spain);
Kenneth Clark, Member of Parliament (UK);
Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC (USA);
Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge (France);
George A. David, Chairman, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A. (USA);
Kemal Dervis, Administrator, UNDP (Turkey);
Anders Eldrup, President, DONG A/S (Denmark);
John Elkann, Vice Chairman, Fiat S.p.A (Italy);
Martin S. Feldstein, President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research (USA);
Timothy F. Geithner, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (USA);
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page, The Wall Street Journal (USA);
Dermot Gleeson, Chairman, AIB Group (Ireland);
Donald E. Graham, Chairman and CEO, The Washington Post Company (USA);
Victor Halberstadt, Professor of Economics, Leiden University; Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings (the Netherlands);
Jean-Pierre Hansen, CEO, Suez-Tractebel S.A. (Belgium);
Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations (USA);
Richard C. Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA);
Jaap G. Hoop de Scheffer, Secretary General, NATO (the Netherlands/International);
Allan B. Hubbard, Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, Director National Economic Council (USA);
Josef Joffe, Publisher-Editor, Die Zeit (Germany);
James A. Johnson, Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC (USA);
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC (USA);
Anatole Kaletsky, Editor at Large, The Times (UK);
John Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc (the Netherlands);
Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates (USA);
Mustafa V. Koç, Chariman, Koç Holding A.S. (Turkey);
Fehmi Koru, Senior Writer, Yeni Safek (Turkey);
Bernard Kouchner, Minister of Foreign Affairs (France);
Henry R. Kravis, Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (USA);
Marie-Josée Kravis, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc. (USA);
Neelie Kroes, Commissioner, European Commission (the Netherlands/International);
Ed Kronenburg, Director of the Private Office, NATO Headquarters (International);
William J. Luti, Special Assistant to the President for Defense Policy and Strategy, National Security Council (USA);
Jessica T. Mathews, President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (USA);
Frank McKenna, Ambassador to the US, member Carlyle Group (Canada);
Thierry de Montbrial, President, French Institute for International Relations (France);
Mario Monti, President, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy);
Craig J. Mundie, Chief Technical Officer Advanced Strategies and Policy, Microsoft Corporation (USA);
Egil Myklebust, Chairman of the Board of Directors SAS, Norsk Hydro ASA (Norway);
Matthias Nass, Deputy Editor, Die Zeit (Germany);
Adnrzej Olechowski, Leader Civic Platform (Poland);
Jorma Ollila, Chairman, Royal Dutch Shell plc/Nokia (Finland);
George Osborne, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (UK);
Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa, Minister of Finance (Italy);
Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (USA);
Heather Reisman, Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. (Canada);
David Rockefeller (USA);
Matías Rodriguez Inciarte, Executive Vice Chairman, Grupo Santander Bank, (Spain);
Dennis B. Ross, Director, Washington Institute for Near East Policy (USA);
Otto Schily, Former Minister of Interior Affairs; Member of Parliament; Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (Germany);
Jürgen E. Schrempp, Former Chairman of the Board of Management, DaimlerChrysler AG (Germany);
Tøger Seidenfaden, Executive Editor-in-Chief, Politiken (Denmark);
Peter D. Sutherland, Chairman, BP plc and Chairman, Goldman Sachs International (Ireland);
Giulio Tremonti, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies (Italy);
Jean-Claude Trichet, Governor, European Central Bank (France/International);
John Vinocur, Senior Correspondent, International Herald Tribune (USA);
Jacob Wallenberg, Chairman, Investor AB (Sweden);
Martin H. Wolf, Associate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Financial Times (UK);
James D. Wolfensohn, Special Envoy for the Gaza Disengagement (USA);
Robert B. Zoellick, Deputy Secretary of State (USA);
Klaus Zumwinkel, Chairman of the Board of Management, Deutsche Post AG (USA); Adrian D. Wooldridge, Foreign Correspondent, The Economist.

The above list is not complete, but it gives us some idea of what and who is envolved .

9-11 2001 one of the PNAC accomplishments, on that day they started using Osama bin Ladin and al Qaida as villains actively, pointing the “its them not us* finger, used for their power grab enhancement.

We remember Bush sitting stunned for 7 minutes seemingly unable to move, but in reality he was following PNAC instruction..
We also remember Andrews air force fighter planes assigned specifically to such emergencies and Cheney, no where to be seen, Cheney, could not be found for 30 minutes.

US security first alert attack fighters were clearly ordered not to respond.

The American Nation in shock and utter disbelief, how could such a thing happen? Didn’t Bush promise security?
And why would a clever enemy stop at that, stop at the financial gates, when in reality they could proceed to the heart land or at least to a near by nuclear facility?
The PNAC saved that scenario for later.

Surely the enemy called clever and cunning by Bush himself on numerous occasions would come better prepared. What of the leaders who lie through their teeth propagandize bogus bin Ladin TV video?
We have no idea what they are capable of.

The American state of Georgia just announced a state of emergency; for such an event Bush has already signed sealed and delivered a bill allowing the Government to confiscate private bank accounts and private safety deposit boxes, private mail and phone conversations, so much for privacy and freedom.

US military and doubtless the government sanctioned Blackwater group have license to occupy the homeland.

Schwarzenegger declares a second state of emergency in California; this should be viewed with great suspicion.

When the PNAC make a constitutional change, which of course, they can when ever they want, and install Schwarzenegger as number one in the White House, he could become the first foreign born president of the United States. It’s certainly not a problem for the “New World Order” to change the Constitution some more.

The strategically placed internment camps across the US, have been built and are ready for critical thinkers and up coming mass protesters and for all those “who are not with them, but are against them”. Extermination is not ruled out, this is the reality.

Actually nothing has changed since Rome burned, the fat guy is sitting in a stone building, chewing on a ham leg, collecting taxes because he has the army, spies, police and big guns on his side.

The world has been in a state of war for thousands of years, with only insignificant periodic intermissions

They control and manipulate and murder because they can.
It’s a fine new mess the New World Order has gotten us into, or should we pause here, give serious thought and take our responsibility for the fine mess.

It is a given that the PNAC is starting to declare states of emergency across the US in order to milk new laws, bills quietly signed by Bush .

Fact, they keep the public from knowing, that internment camps have been built.

The PNAC plan, confiscation of all moneys, houses or any property what so ever from its citizens, render the citizen impotent, intern people in to the existing internment camps just like the PNAC did in Hitlers time, those who do not comply are enemies of the Reich, every thing has been carefully planned with intent of carrying out provision.

News from US friends that their house was confiscated through dishonest government manipulation, the wheels are in motion and will accelerate at a dizzying rate. Veterans return from Iraq having exhausted their morality on fraudulent government to find their houses repossessed, now they are homeless, the American dream in reality a raging nightmare. Interest rates jump carefully designed by the Bush administration and your house all of a sudden belongs to the Bush administration, how did that happen, for one thing it didn’t happen suddenly it was carefully planned by the pretenders..

The FBI rated the David Copperfield ware house in Los Angeles. What did the FEDS expect to find?

Financial, political manipulation has for a fact squeezed people in a position of taking out second mortgages and put home owners squarely at the merci of the government. Government controlled banks, second mortgages, lost jobs, cant pay the bills, government, government steals the house, homeowners can, if not already, find themselves out on the street with nothing and no where to go.
They’ll join the Iraq Vets; increase the number of homeless in the United States. The Bush administration doesn’t care, they designed the program.

Switzerland has not seen a strong move to the right since WW2.
the much talked about poster, creating an international stir where several white sheep, kick out a black sheep clearly has significance.

Currently in Switzerland 20 % of the population are immigrants. Does the PNAC operate in Switzerland? Certainly there is factual proof, WW2 the Hitler PNAC had operational freedoms in Switzerland.
Again, who controls banks, and who controls Switzerland.

Turkeys plan to invade Iraq can be viewed as an independent move, or while the PNAC put pressure on the PKK, Bush moves to invade Iran and Syria.
Israel’s invasion of Lebanon and the destruction of Beirut had the clear and unmistakable PNAC thumb print.
Blood is indeed running in the streets, it’s an endless money making government party.

Economic growth is purely for government, as is security.
The World Markets crash, all of us loose, the government gain.

If this all seams unlikely or unbelievable, 9-11 Timeline, September 11 2001.
9-11deserves a critical in depth look with public excess to documents which are conveniently kept from the public.
On that financial gain day the PNAC convinced with scare tactics and lies.
It was a catastrophic event not only for America but for the world, fooling the public yet again, not in a new way of course, governments have killed their own before, it was critical, advantageous, political positioning;

So here we are at breakfast or at work, watching the morning news, suddenly a plane appears on screen heading straight for its target, the WTC North Tower.
It wasn’t just a plane, it was the Boeing 767 made into a flying bomb.
Where are the fighter planes assigned to National emergency security, parked at Andrews Air Base, the pilots, playing poker.

We find the Commander in Chief of the United States, sitting transfixed on a kids chair in a Florida school room with a vacant expression on his face, Cheney the US Vice president; couldn’t be found for close to 30 minutes, how’s that?

Andrews Air Base fighter squad, Americas first defense line, the major security protection did not take to the air on 9 -11 they were ordered not to, certainly it could happen, that the United States government was taken by surprise? And certainly the White House, the Pentagon, the CIA, FDI, the PNAC and the Air defense were all in a coma.
Or they were creating confusion and a bizarre obstructive twilight reality.

,Karl Rove, George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld obstructionists create their own reality, Bush uses words and declarations Rove prepared for him.

Why then on that particular day, 9-11 did they create what they now call “obstruction”, and further more what does obstruction mean in this particular case. It’s an insipid word used for situations when cover up is needed. Its show biz in its most deceiving.

Woven through out the PNAC fabric we find hundreds of such words in use, Bush trips over them all the time, he doesn’t talk or think that way, Karl Rove puts words in the Bush mouth, Rumsfeld used them to the amusement of his audience, , even danced for us at a televised White House dinner, are we amused yet? Secretary of state Gates has in the passed Gates said Nicaragua was a threat to the US, yes specially the nuns who were consequently thrown in the Ocean from helicopters and drowned, today Gates said that Pakistan is not doing enough about al - Qaida a curious statement since the US didn’t do any thing about al Qaida on or before 9-11, the PNAC does its incremental work chipping away at Musharaf, they have taken his 40 year plus military carrier away already, next incremental step by step elimination. him to the Haag, Gates announced that funds fighting al-Qaida in Pakistan have been stopped, for noncompliance We didn’t know Gates was the boss of Musharaf.

Musharaf did just fine as military leader and president, and is exactly that “Commander in Chief and president”, its once again arrogant behavior from the Bush administration and a purposefully incremental destructive dialog “do as I say not as I do” Musharaf and Pakistan together were a Nation holding its own, with out interference from the Bilderberger Corporation. How often have we heard threatening lies from the White House, and when has it not ended in horrifying invasion, mass murder, theft and death of innocent people.

So Pakistan is just one of the coups the US instigated.
They’re not going to be happy in Washington until they have the morally depleted Bhutto in office in Pakistan.
We had a clear picture that Bush was not in the least interested in saving lives when he was governor of Texas, qualifies a person to be governor or president, one must seriously wonder what it takes, most likely a connected father, a strong lying ability and the fact that one has no conscience.
Al-Qaida brought to the front once again, lets face it they don’t really have any thing else in Washington.
Hitler had the communists Bush has his al-Qaida.
Hitler had the Jews, Bush has his Moslems and Islam.

Notice they always have a blame subject, always its never Hitler or Bush its THEM who ever THEY may be at the time. Next time maybe people with blue or brown eyes, God only knows what rubbish they manufacture next.

Are the Bilderbergers Danes ?
perhaps the Bilderbergers are Danish openings for release to whom the world population inexplicitly bows. In review Hitler was a nice guy comparatively speaking.

In the 1930s when Hitler had the leading part, the PNAC performance in which Bushes grand father played a big part, sported costumes, marches, music and theatrics, holding audiences spell bound, in a rock concert atmosphere. the PNAC still put-on a blinding grand show, with music, rhetoric, bigger bombs, missiles, drones, smaller but powerful nuclear technology, big nuclear German built stealth subs waiting in the Persian Gulf for action, the show is spectacular and the people clap and sing.

September eleven 2001 and first thing in the morning for Breakfast on TV, WTC attack, fake Osama Bin Laden video, the hoax of the new millennium, which the CIA sold the public as genuine and the people bought it, “Buyer be aware”, if you let yourself be blinded with snake oil and little liver pills, so be it.

However there are those folks who smelled a rat from the minute the non elected Bush set foot in the White House, a bleak, dreadful day for not just America. The invasion of Iraq followed and brutality began every where.
The government is not naked it possesses many cloaks; it is we who are naked and blind.

Going around in circles, like the once beautiful animals kidnapped from their habitat, going around in circles in the PNAC circus, around and around, driven to insanity, controlled, and beaten in to submission by unreasonable, uncaring authoritative controllers. The circus is in town.

Pakistan: the US press asks the question “how much do we have to worry about nuclear threat from Pakistan” a stupid obnoxious subterfuge.
Actually the question is “how much do we have to worry about the US nuclear threat”? Having stock piled far more nuclear weapons, with latest additions, then any other nation, taking in to consideration the latest Bush escapade transporting nukes across the US, include the DU bombs spreading radio activity every where in the Middle East since the invasion, we are looking at a horrifying reality.
The US is making smaller nuclear weapons making them more acceptable, more portable and practical never the less powerful and deadly.

The PNAC planned to vacate Musharaf that has been clear for some time.
They want to vacate every body that is not with them and is around the perimeter of Iran and Syria. Pakistan is on the main menu .

The not elected PNAC Brown government in Britain reports 2000 scarf wearing citizens are a direct threat to national security and to the British nation, so Brown.
Besides the 2000 scarf threats, the Brown government now feigns concern for quote “the young children, who may become terrorists”. Concerned for children, let alone Muslim children, Brown is just silly?

How ever, there is no mention at all of course, that thousands of children were murdered, dead as the result of the US-UK Middle East invasion. Literally thousands of children have been killed. 30,000 a day from social injustice and many hundreds of thousands from PNAC generated wars. That fact is carefully brushed under the rug. So how exactly do they have concern for children?

So the circus is in town, ring Meister in ring number one, is holding his whip tight in his fist, swift velocity, sublime deception and creative lies.
While the children rot in their graves their culture is being absolutely and utterly erased.

9 - 11
The Boeing 767 impact, the first plane crashed in to the North Tower.
9-11 , US citizens are detained with out charges in the first seven weeks after 9-11 they were mostly new freedom seeking immigrants.

John Ashcraft swept widely, people were arrested, no charges, or reason, hand cuffed driven to detention centers and detained.
A carefully planned Incremental Oppression plan in America in progress.
Congress was working on a bill first, then the anthrax scare came, they introduced and switched the bill after mid night and forced Congress to sign the PNAC 300 plus page bill by 3.00AM. This is the new free democratic America.

Immigrants came to the US for the freedom, obviously freedom does not exist in the US. American people were arrested on the basis of stereo types. This is a clear reminder of the previous Hitler PNAC administration, morally no different at all.
The American people need to know what happened; the American people need to know the PNAC Bush Corporation actually is a terrorist organization. They are spreading terror and fear.

Families vanished; people who came to the US for freedom were picked up in the middle of the night, flown back to the Middle East, displaced or in some cases actually murdered.

Ashcraft said he had no regret; he would even though unconstitutional, do it all over again.

Guantanamo because not on US soil, the PNAC Corporation avoided all rule law.

So the people no charges again, were held and tortured. Most of them picked up by bounty hunters for cash, if they do not belong there, tuff luck. Bounty hunters are interested in the money and the money only, more people, more money, we see increasing PNAC justice ?

Taliban,/Al-Qaida often and falsely used name for political US propaganda. War zone victims are entirely at the merci of the US military and Corporation hunters. We don’t hear about the suicides in Guantanamo any more the administration keeps the information hidden.
Prisoners, people held with out right against all rule of law, haven’t seen the moon or sun light for years, no food, torture and no one to turn to or help them.
America now under the currant brutal, militant rule flagrantly ignores the rule of law.
If there are any in Guantanamo not guilty they should not be punished and held in solitary confinement and tortured
The US does not comply with the Geneva Convention. Bush says “the only thing I know is these are bad people” so that is enough, him saying, these are bad people, what exactly is he and his group doing, should the public believe a man who is well known as a pathological liar? But there are always the 80%.

What occurred in Abu Gareb, occurs in Guantanamo only much worse if that can be imagined.
Obviously, choosing these methods of torture and injuytice the PNAC agrees that it is OK to treat captured Americans like wise, that is understood.

It can happen to American citizens and it will, for that reason he PNAC Corporation has and continues to build internment camps in the United States. Any body, any time, any where.

The Turkish air force still bombs Iraq, Turkey has an air force, who supplies the Planes?

Mr Padilla currantly still in solitary confinement, his crime, Padilla converted to Islam, the Bush administration holds Padilla indefinitely under military rule as an enemy combatant which is against all rules and yes blatantly illegal , but then Rules do not apply to the Bush administration. However they are not above Universal law.

The PNAC hide their lack of evidence. they have been doing so for over 200 years
In WW2 American citizens of Japanese roots were hunted, shut up, shut off and falsely accused and put in concentration camps too in California, they called them internment camps, or they could call them meditation camps, but what they were and are now, they are concentration camps with out finery.

The Patriot act went too far, it allows the Government to practice total suppression and false accusations and so what. Every thing the PNAC does is “to far” Gaza, Lebanon, the new British government Brown the new Middle East envoy Blair, all too far.
Bush drilling for oil in Alaska and at the same time whining about Global warming, he had 8 years where he did absolutely nothing, all of this is to far and to far gone, but all of this creates confusion, there fore diffusion, obstructionism and incramentalism..

Banks are spying on citizens on behalf of the Government. The justice department can break in to your home, you may think it was a petty burglar, when in fact your Government is breaking and entering our privacy using any thing and every thing to control and put us in to their newly built detention centers and on ridiculous snoop lists..

We are giving the wrong people too much power.

Sarkozy Hungarian with Jewish roots, has created a department of Immigration and National Identity Bush has his internment camps ready in the US. Sarkozy is lying for his friend Bush, he already evading his promisses. Sarkozy is a new threat to the world. Hitler, Sarkozy, hand picked PNAC men, lets say for their specific talents, their Nationality is completely immaterial. They could be straight from Satan’s realm that’s OK too and clearly some of them are..

Under the PNAC Bush administration rendered the Constitution unconstitutional.

Freedom of speech and peaceful assembly, the first amendment in the Constitution, gone nonexistent following the Bush PNAC take - over.

Many of the people stopped at airports harassed and jailed are critical of Bush policies, non of them are terrorists, or national security risks, they simply don’t agree with Bush politics.
Just thinking or saying Bush is out of control, just that, one can expect to be hand cuffed, arrested, jailed and put on a concentration camp list.

This happened in Santa Fe, New Mexico USA and it is going on every where in the United States and European Countries. Constitutional rights to privacy in Libraries and other public places and also private homes, have been suppressed, there are no more rights, snitches and infiltrators working for the federal government are every where. “Achtung Feind hört mit”. When they come for us, it is too late to speak up. Think of it, land of the Free? Condensed BS the government is our enemy.

A South American candidate for president was asked how he feels about the US base in his country replied, “if the US lets us put a base in Florida it’s OK.”
That’s the way it should be “ wie Sie mir, so Ich Ihnen Herr Bush”

9-11 the hoax on the American public and the world.

An Osama bin Laden bogus image sold as genuine was a hoax.
It wasn’t really Osama.

The 767the first plane to hit WTC, the North Tower, has an odd shape under its fuselage at the level of the wings.

A video taken moments before impact (available on the net) shows an odd asymmetrical construction under the plans fuselage.
Such tanks can be seen on many army aircraft, but have never been seen on a Boeing 767, the 767 has no fittings.
A missile can be fixed to these pods, or hard points seen under the Boeing 767. There is no doubt the picture taken of the under belly shows a tank/pod was fitted under the 767.
In any event every aspect of this matter should be thoroughly investigated; also a thorough analysis of the extra tank/pod is in order.
A fire ball can be seen just before impact on video, the indication is that a missile was fired from the pod.

On impact the second plane seems to be on fire already which is highly abnormal, improbable and most suspicious.

When the second remotely controlled plane crashes into the WTC we can observe two abnormal things.

One, planes don’t explode this way, unless some detonation method is used. It seems that additional explosives were used to collapse the WTC buildings.

Two, the fire burned out side of the building and there wasn’t enough fuel to melt steal beams to collapse the building.
The indication is that there were actually explosives in the building.

It was too precise, too neat and nice how both buildings came down in a short time between plane crashes causing the collapse of both the North and South Towers.

Seismic data reports indicate huge bursts of energy shook the ground before the towers collapsed. This raises the legitimate suspicion that a controlled explosion occurred, proof that massive underground explosions took place.

Incremental Orchestration, the 9-11 politically motivated destructive event, Bush sitting in a Florida school room, Cheney not available for close to 30 minutes, Andrews Air Base first defense not defending, all this plus underground explosives taking place ads up to Bush PNAC Corporation collusion and deceit, underhanded secret cooperation of the New World Order organization.
It’s nothing new, but it needs to be recognized and investigated.

The Pentagon lawn was impeccable; fit for the passing 4th of July parade, untouched after the 727 supposedly hit, no burning air craft, the imaginary plane crashed in to the Pentagon, the moment where the plane, as some people want us to believe, impacted the Pentagon there was no plane was in sight.

Those who try to make us believe the plane hit at a 45o angle would have to agree that that’s impossible, seeing that the roof and the façade of the building remain intact.
According to 727 proportions and the landing gear belonging to a 757, an other plane entirely, it is impossible, the CIA briefing was bogus, the terror attack a manifestation/manipulation, the boggy man did it. Trick photography the government has more tricks than a 42 street hooker. Lies vilification , imaginary terrorists, and the public got jerked off once more.

Bush receives directive from the Bilderberger Corporation, then in turn he gives other people and nations directives to do his killing for him. Turks, murder the Kurdish population in Iraq, to whos directive. Sarkozy doing some of the PNAC bidding, Blackwater killers murder indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa, Balkans in other words where they want to posses.

The PNAC views the world population reduction from the stand point of cost effectiveness, it is merely a different take on numerical data.

A huge world wide Plague, or maybe even multiple plagues is planned, effectively useful in laboratories as we speak, where at least half the world population is wiped out.
AIDS, Bird flu, BSE, are government lab manufactured virus and are trial forerunners. When youre dead you cant be rich or free.

Imbalance of consumption is harsh.

Globally, the 20% of the world’s people in the highest-income countries account for 86% of total private consumption expenditures — the poorest 20% a extremely small 1.3%. More specifically, the richest
Consume 45% of all meat and fish, the poorest fifth 5%
Consume 58% of total energy, the poorest fifth less than 4%
Have 74% of all telephone lines, the poorest fifth 1.5%
Consume 84% of all paper, the poorest fifth 1.1%
Own 87% of the world’s vehicle fleet, the poorest fifth less than 1%

Global Priorities

Cosmetics in the United States 8 billion
Ice cream in Europe 11 billion
Perfumes in Europe and the United States 12 billion
Pet foods in Europe and the United States 17 billion
Business entertainment in Japan 35 billion
Cigarettes in Europe 50 billion
Alcoholic drinks in Europe 105 billion
Narcotics drugs in the world 400 billion
Military spending in the world 780 billion

Anup Shah, researched and has posted a most informative analysis

The stronger exploits the weaker, the stronger nuclear Nation America, exploits all the weaker nuclear Nations, any body else.

The war on terror these days focuses on the wrong terrorists.
Bhutto in Pakistan again, convicted and wanted in Switzerland for money laundering and in Pakistan for fraud in the millions, just the kind of cancer the PNAC normally invite to their employ

one gets the feeling some thing is brewing again, like when the Bush administration promoted to the point of embarrassment the non existing WMD in Iraq followed by invasion land grab and mass murder in Iraq.

As of late, the time span when UK military quasi left and the US military in Afghanistan activity increased is obvious, Afghanistan borders Iran and of course so does Pakistan. Listening to Bhutto one might think she is popular, when in reality she is a convicted felon and a wanted criminal. But she fits the profile.
Her last two innings were a failure, they didn’t work.

Here is a cheep money saving scheme for you, the CNN net work asks for I – reports they save money all around It is so absurd its laughable. Bush owned TV Corporation has the public work and pay for video their corporation. There is a big problem with CNN news every thing we hear every day is manipulated by Bush administration Corporation.

Spreading more negativity against the Bush administration and his superiors is actually counterproductive it would just create more of the same and honestly, we have enough of that already. Just the facts will do nicely.

Air bus just sold 28 of their machines to two Arab countries expecting a lot of business? The elaborate endless tourist ads made by the Corporation even for penniless countries can be seen daily on the tube.

As long as the PNAC embrace criminal elements as they do, they them selves are in grave danger. Credibility is very important government, credibility faltered with the Hitler template.

Deception is one thing, being cozy with criminals another entirely. Sure they can always hang the criminals, poison them and claim suicide etc but for now it has become too obvious and too much.

Fair trade agreement, “we trash your country and steal every thing worth taking and you agree with us”, new envoy to the Middle East Blair is doing that right now in Gaza. It will be extremely interesting which lies and deception Blair comes on with. By now the Palestinians heard it all specially from the Brits.

Protests in Venezuela, Pakistan, Brazil, France, Italy, Germany USA, UK, military and police control at a higher level and visible more and more around the world, just think of recent brutality in Myanmar.

PNAC militias successfully destabilize the African Continent. Economic development is not allowed murder and starvation is their favorite.

Compassionate humans are combing the shore line of the Black Sea, where government greed has once again dumped oil on and in the sea, the earth and precious, living creatures, compassionates free the many oil covered birds from there hideous oil prison as they humanly can many are lost and die..

Sarkozy is already stealing money for the PNAC from the people of France with the transportation strike. It doesn’t resonate with first Sakozy promises, but it doesn’t have to, they never keep their promises.

The president of the United States under great plethora of praise for Al Gonzales former “I cant remember anything” Attorney General the man who couldn’t recall, who had sudden unset Alzheimers, Bush welcomes Michael Mukasey as new Attorney General
He is to Protect Americans from harm and keep them safe from new terror attacks? Or add some new terror attacks, were not sure yet. As if the American people had a choice.
Mukasey was confirmed and took the oath of office, done deal period, end of story

On the other side of the pond, Britains Gordon Brown introduces sweeping rules to combat terrorism. These pretense maneuvers give government heightened citizen control.

Government fears increased protests and civil unrest, which clearly prompts the government to aggressively stronger, very severe control over the population, detain those critical of the government and punish any one who is against New World Order methods.

Airports, hospitals, railway stations, sporting events, churches, law schools, Universities, general buildings, malls the internet places where people gather are on Browns list, high tech surveillance is in place, but Brown wants to take it further.
his Increased bigoted, racist maneuvers stir witch hunt sentiment and pick up where the Nazi PNAC left off.

Mukasey the new US Attorney General joined the PNAC Corporation and will doubtlessly follow Browns example.
Of course this will be done under the pretence of terrorism, security and the good for the people slogan.
this is the issue the administration brings to public attention; in reality this isn’t the issue. The issue for the PNAC is, and that is the only issue that counts, how to continue in incremental steps to reach their global goal and screw the public. At the same time building walls in Israel on Palestinian lands is not security for the people, it is the PNAC stealing from the Palestinians ruining their lives and stealing land. Want to build a wall, do it on your own land.

Immigrants in the US may not obtain drivers licenses. Federal government calls for more fences between Mexico and the US.

No where in the world are we seeing loosening of nooses, on the contrary,
The PNAC noose tightens, Bush and Brown with the help of Sarkizy, Merkel and the likes bring back the Hitler image, in the image of the New World Order.
We are experiencing and reliving the Hitler Passed, with major PNAC adjustments in the present, better nuclear and biological technology, the world is in a strangle hold.

Browns 500 million £ or $, payment the lord offer for Palestine.
What exactly does Brown want in return, as is likely he wants the remaining Palestinians to walk in to the sea, keep walking and disappear.
All kidding aside, how could it be good. From history we must understand, the British have never been good to, or for Palestine, a conotational change is not likely. People of the near East have been mistreated and threatened by Britain since the time of Lawrence of Arabia, that poor soul was most likely murdered by the British government for being an Arab sympathizer.

Arafat got a Mausoleum, he was murdered 3 years ago, poisoned as a matter of fact and then displayed for public ridicule.
Middle East leaders murdered, Sadat, Shah, Arafat, Hariri, Hussein, Sharon, plus Castro Cuba, Milosivic the Balkans these men were liquidated.
Musharaf is on the immediate list, Charles Taylor in dubious illegal custody because Bush wanted it that way, Mugabe a thorn in the PNAC eye, Arestide Haiti forced out of office just to mention a few on the long pretender list. The Incremental PNAC method works very well, and in that way the public forget and stay on the dark merry go round.

Hey, Afghanistan we give you a special meal in exchange for your country. How’s that? Oh, and we promise to murder your tribal leaders and citizens including babies. Aren’t we glorious, democratic and free and wonderful?

Surprise, Chalabi is back, 63-year-old Chalabi, Prime Minister Nouri Maliki under pressure appointed Chalabi last month to the “Overseer” position overseeing the restoration of vital services to Baghdad residents such as electricity, potable water, healthcare and education.
Its got to be a joke, if not, it should be A perfect setting for a thief, Chalabi as Bhutto both so called exiles, both convicted and wanted for fraud.

How ever the US says Chalabi is crucial to cement security gains of recent months say the Bush people - and that failure could cause the country to backslide into chaos.
Backslide in to chaos, when did Iraq get out of chaos, they must mean create greater chaos or they simply mean stealing additional resources; or poison the water supply to kill more people, hard to imagine there is any thing left in Iraq

Backslide in to chaos, Chaos, when did the chaos ever go away?
We should ask What’s in it for the PNAC to put Chalabi back to work for them. Could it have any thing to do with the Iran invasion, has it to do with stealing, in that Chalabi is top specialist. His assassin cousin Allawi, specialist in cold blooded murder, could be running around in a balaclava no one has seen his face for a while, who would know Things are done in secret, Rove is Bushs mouth piece, what is he doing other than putting words in the mouth of the insane misguided dysfunctional. Interesting how they disappear for a while and then reappear.

Specifically there is no International Community it’s just a thing the Bush administration uses invented by the humorous dancing Karl Rove.

What man is a man who doesn’t make the world better?
A better world then has ever been seen.
Take the peoples property enslave the world is not exactly what is meant by that.

A PNAC TV ad suggests banking in Africa. Ill get on it right away.
A Swiss bank supposedly took losses because of the US mortgage investment debacle; shuffling money is what they’re doing. Banks don’t take losses; the public takes the losses. people are loosing their houses because of the way banks and government set interest at high rates and over reached the peoples capacity to pay of mortgages etc.

Yes List
Yes our wardens are morally wrong; they use violence for political purposes. We are political victims.
Yes the US controls the internet. (Bill Gates).
Yes Iran is on the list, in spite of, no, no we are not invading Iran rhetoric.
Yes the public is fed up.
Yes the government knows it.
Yes they are afraid of the masses.
Yes the departments of intelligence use illegal methods to control the Masses.
Yes there are meditation (concentration) camps across the US
Yes we are living in an age of miracles.

Five years ago 9-11 started the global “war on terror,” and spying has since become one of the fastest-growing private industries in the United States. The federal government relies on outsourcing for some of its most sensitive work, (murder and torture) though it has kept details about its use of private contractors a carefully guarded secret.
The US intelligence business is booming

At the May 14 2007 conference in Colorado sponsored by the Defense Intelligence Agency, the U.S. government exposed the intelligence budget and what they spend on private contractors
70 % of the budget this year alone goes to private contractors.
That would be a budget of at least $48 billion, and that confirms at least $34 billion for contractors. Terri Everett, a senior procurement executive in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, exposed that figure.
Established by Congress in 2004 oversee 16 agencies that make up the US intelligence organization.
A copy of Everett’s unclassified presentation, titled "Procuring the Future” dated May 25, revealed “We can’t spy … If we can’t buy!” emphasizing the dependence of US intelligence agencies on private sector contractors.

private contractors rose by more than 38 percent from the mid-1990s to 2005. The increase how ever has been far more intense: Over the same period, total intelligence contracts have more than doubled, from $18 billion in 1995 to a staggering $42 billion in 2005. ( Higher Now)

Add two years and numbers are even more staggering, you do the math.
Add big ticket items like spy satellites, and the budget climbs even higher
Under the cloak of secrecy who knows how much contractors really get and how they spend it, whom they murder and how, they are the administrations golden boys. US intelligence budgets are classified, and all discussions about them in Congress are held in secret.

The widely CNN propagandized Bangladesh disaster does not cloak the Iraq and Afghanistan disasters .Blackwater just one of the authorized PNAC Contractors do what they want in Iraq under protection of the lawless Bush administration. They murder indiscriminately and capture innocent people, including journalists and teen agers who are deported to Guantanamo and other US gulags for torture and unjustified, horrifying procedures like waterboarding.

The unjust justice department, Negroponte is going to Pakistan whether he is with justice or state is unclear, every thing about what Negroponte does is Cloaked and unclear.

The Mary Poppins government keeps pretending and cloaking, the public is fed up and sick of government propaganda, false head lines and their BS pretences.
Negropontes voyage delivers new threats to the likely to become extinct Musharaf.
PNAC meddling doesn’t end in Iraq, Afghanistan or Pakistan.
Contractors operate extensively in as much secret as possible the problem is world wide.
The American public pays a high price for Contractors and government corruption.

US citizens must realize by now they are not allowed to have their own opinion under the Bush PNAC regime.
Arrests, air port murder, taser deaths, telephone and bank spying, job encroachment, retirement fund theft, enforced mandatory drug programs for kids administered in schools, internet, places to congregate, not being able to take their own money out of country where and when they want to, internment camps, the list is long and extremely obvious and dangerous, the intent evil.

How much corruption does a government have to perpetrate on its citizens before its people recoil.

Separate individual administrations no longer exist, in fact this is continues single PNAC administration, the loyalists hand down from administration to administration.

Karl Rowe, Blair and Rumsfeld for example work in the wings until further instruction from above and so on and so forth etc and they have been in multiple administrations.

If you are one of the misguided who still think they care about humanity, think again?

Honestly, One cant help but admire the magnitude, manipulation, deception, phenomenal weapons and technology and the careful, incremental planning
they didn’t get handed to them. They sleazed, lied, deceived, manipulated, killed and thieved for power they stole over the decades
Such enormous proportions, and now for the big money, the world has never seen such spectacular power - ownership before.

Yes we are in shock and awe, Bush is right, the PNAC Bilderbergers are right, shock and awe are the words..
Power and money, world domination and destruction of America, the ultimate goal is obvious. Then there are the details; they have to iron out the wrinkles.
Depopulation, mind control, Bio technology, spies, drug control, DNA manipulation, smaller more effective nuclear weapons, liquidating all leaders of all other countries costly details, but it has to be done. Hire protestors, assassins, militia, supply, uniforms, posters TV propaganda, weapons, explosives, expensive items Contractors they are paid billions.

(Did Hitler know he was their Template, grand father Prescott Bush knew, at the end when they completely abandoned him, Hitler must have known he had been betrayed).

Why is Uzbekistan important

Location and Resources.
Uzbekistan South to Iran, central Asia, North of Afghanistan, Afghanistan recent US interest troop increase. 0 km (doubly landlocked); note - Uzbekistan includes the southern portion of the Aral Sea with a 420 km shoreline Resources natural gas, petroleum, coal, gold, uranium, silver, copper, lead and zinc, tungsten, molybdenum Their resources of oil and natural gas are powerful and dwarf those of the Mexican Gulf and Kuwait .

Russian President Boris Yeltsin and President Clinton laugh at Yeltsin's joke,
while the PNAC quietly make a deal with Yeltsin, Yeltsin easily persuaded, mostly in the bag, broke up the Soviet Union and handed Uzbekistan to the PNAC. Yeltsin was paid handsomely for his contribution and retired to Riviera with his family.
One giant step for the Bilderbergers, a significant backstep for man kind.
More than a year ago US forces built and were deployed at Uzbekistan’s Khanabad air base as part of the false deceiving campaign against terrorism and occupation of the region. The quality of life declined for the inhabitants, farmers were disenfranchised. US troops have caused economic dislocation – especially for the area farmers.
Uzbekistan formally part of the Soviet Union until Yeltsin made the Clinton/PNAC deal. PNAC World Dictatorship progresses, calling Putin a czar is once again PNAC “it’s them, not us” propaganda.

Pakistan through nuclear India to China
Why is Pakistan a country of vital importance to the US as Negroponte said recently in his first of two TV announcements? And Negroponte is back again in Islamabad..

Genocide of North American natives was 10.000.000. Ten million, imagine the great white father came from Britain to murder nations of native people on the North American continent, under false horrific pretence.
In 1776 they came to the North American Continent , started with hate, guns, cannons and Adam Weishaupt, steal Mexican land and murder the native people.

The US is the First Nation ever, to mass murder using nuclear weapons. The United States is a war nation, never has been a peaceful nation.
America was built on aggression, brutality and deceit; it never has been a peaceful or a free nation. In antiquity 2000 years passed, Greece was the warring Nation.
In contrast, Persia, now Iran found it is far more intelligent to settle with wisdom and diplomacy, imagine 2000 years ago. They with - drew from the Greek conflict and went home to Persia.
The US resembles the Greek mentality and Persia is the way it was 2000 years ago, rather using diplomacy and reasoning. Interesting how a mentality doesn’t change that much and how some people believe they can settle every thing with arrogance, threats and force.
Afghanistan is used as threat for other countries in the region, “if
you don’t do as we say this is what will happen to you”. Do or Die.

Blair No longer Middle East envoy, but “international Middle East envoy”, plans a Palestinian job project, he’s full of dishonest practice, a Brit improve the life for Palestinians is a direct contradiction. Anthony Blair, Britains, evil dwarf, void of even a smattering of honor.
The US and UK warring nations, traditional blood brothers in crime, two nations which have been responsible for mass murder, destruction and arrogant racist behavior, for as long as history can remember.
Feigning, “FEEDOM AND PEACE” louder than any other nation on earth, not taking responsibility for any of their atrocities. We have seen everything yesterday.

“International envoy to the Middle East” sounds like not just PNAC decided the issue, but they did invent, the word “international” so the public thinks the world is involved in decision making, wrong, in reality only 5% of the population make decisions for all of us and that of course is the Bilderberg Corporation. International community sounds better than “we the “Novus Ordo Seclorum” who, if the truth were told, screw with the world and are the only dictatorial “decision makers” period, end of story; no body else has the right to make decisions or even safely voice their opinion.

The PNAC has used tiny little Sarkozy to steal from the French Nation. Pensions of course already, pensions are an easy mark, they’ve been stealing them for years, in America too.

The Pakistan election is vital for the US, says Negroponte.
Let us for a moment focus on what’s important, How about the importance of self. How about, other Countries should be well and the “Novus Ordo Seclorum” should mind their own extremely bad, smelly business.

Take the knife away from surgeons, they are dangerous people.

British government incompetence lost personal info of 25.000.000 citizens on two disks – gone. Brown-PNAC corporation manipulation gains additional control over the civilian population-
Name, birth date, bank account number, credit card number, addresses etc. the information got into the wrong hands, unbelievable, That would be a banana republic. Clearly, government can not be trusted with personal info, or any thing. Now another corporation offered to safe keep the info, are there actually once burned, twice stupid people hello.

Americans take to the road, Thanksgiving is upon us. Not astounding, gasoline prices go up, because they can, cars are sitting in traffic for hours, let the government drink their gas. Lets stay home make a phone call on which the government can legally spy, how’s that

New best Bush friend Sarkozy first act in office, he steals peoples pension in France the people strike, French civil Service joins the strike.
There was a case, not to long ago in the United States, where Enron employees were stripped of their pensions they worked many years for nothing or in reality the Bush government stole their pension fund and it ended abruptly when Ken Lay was murdered just before he wanted to tell all.
Bush PNAC stole millions plus peoples lives and the Lay family were dsetroyed.

Bush who was chauffeured in the Enron jet with Ken Lay, amazingly couldn’t remember any of it, he actually denied every thing. There is not much he can’t do, even steal, murder, lie and deny.

It’s the nature of government to do bad things. “Novus Ordo Seclorum” has become to powerful, bad things they do have greater destructive capacity than needed. They set them selves in an almighty posture, with out having the slightest degree of similarity to divinity. They are indeed just of poor moral quality.

Iran will so far not bow to the arrogant Bush PNAC language.
Iran has an atmosphere of diplomacy. Iran has compliance with IAEA, which some countries do not have; it is well known the PNAC stockpile nuclear weapons, Tehran vowed it won’t make nuclear concessions.

2000 years ago Persia had the reputation for intelligent diplomacy rather than senseless aggression and it still holds today. In contrast the US and UK prefer arrogant forceful language. Ironically the US and UK call others barbaric, realistically it’s their trade mark, barbarism is their obvious intent.
Iran preferred a civilized agenda. 2000 years ago Persia Vis a Vis Greece it also took the road of diplomacy then, instead of senseless murder and destruction. What they do in their own country should be their business.

The commonwealth of Pakistan/Musharaf in violation of not listening to the Bush- PNAC administration- Actually Musharaf hasn’t been listening to them, why should he, they are not his guardians.

The Bush missile installation pretentiously called “Defense Shield”.
Moscow - President Vladimir Putin warned NATO against "muscle-flexing" on Russia's border Tuesday and ordered top generals to raise the combat readiness of the country's nuclear missiles.
"In violation of previous agreements, certain member countries of the NATO alliance are increasing their resources next to our borders," Putin told a meeting of defense chiefs in Moscow.

Maryland US children are given forced not beneficial for their health vaccine, this is the State ordered measure, not yet federal , parents can be sent to jail for noncompliance. The whole circumstance.

Parents have no idea what’s in the so called flu vaccine, parents have no information how the cocktail effect childrens health. All that’s really known is that the powerful government corporation is in bed with pharmaceutical companies and they’re both money hungry and not talking; they are only giving orders. How ever there is information that the vaccine damaged kids who were becoming learning disabled.
The PNAC wants a stupid public that we know, start mindlessness young better than later. The Corporation doesn’t want intelligent, critical thinkers.

At least 80% of the population is drowning in confusion brought on by the government and they can’t get out.

Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom in reality doesn’t like the United States government, the last King who did, tip toed through the flowers hand in hand with Bush at the ranch, went bye, bye.

Israel plans to gradually reduce electricity in Gaza. Is there one person who believes Mr. Brown? There hasn’t been a Israel government since the PNAC got rid of Sharon.
the British spread more misery on the Palestinians.

Split the Middle East territory with US PNAC cousin Bush.
Blair is still spreading misery and lies in the Middle East.

Blasts in northern India, blasts in Iraq, turmoil in Pakistan, US troops kicking in doors, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer NATO preponderance, Karzai clinging to PNAC rules, Sarkozi the new PNAC liar, the Bush government want the people to believe Chalabi is coming in to eliminate chaos and equalize Iraq. The Taliban an often used name for excuse and cover up their own atrocities the PNAC Keep lies going, the 80% have no clue.

Musharaf could be declared Saint by the Pope, have a halo around his head and the PNAC still wouldn’t want him in charge of his country;
They have their replacement, might it be Imran Khan, Bhutto or Sharif, or some body else entirely..
Even if the baby has no head they still want their baby to be born.

Australian PNAC selection Howard or Rudd, Rudd got it.
Lebanon is with out government like Israel since the murder of Sharon.

Pakistani bomb blast kills 15, guess who? The department of misinformation nearly as diligent as the big mouth liar Department, got to admit they are hard working folks.

Cuba launched 5 day war games, combat training, where would they get tanks , helicopters, bullets, grenades.
And Bush wants to bring Cuba freedom. Wonder if they killed Castro in Argentina or Cuba or some where in between on route or in the French military hospital. The news doesn’t fit. Sharon disappeared in the same way, an operation, neither needed an operation but, they got one any way, one on the Brain and heart, intestinal; sure the 80% buy that cock and bull story.

The PNAC exchanged John Howard and Rudd in Australia and put Rudd in office at least they didn’t perform surgery on Howard. The PNAC have a new guy actually two new guys, Rudd and Sarkozi.

Howard says Australia is the greatest country, Bush said America is the greatest country, two greatest countries congratulations; .

In the end it will be one greatest country under the greatest PNAC dictatorship. Since they didn’t kill him, this will not be the end of John Howard’s carrier. John joins the ranks of Rove, Rumsfeld, with Corporation blessings. Lucky for him, he didn’t join ranks with Arafat, Sharon and Castro with PNAC blessings.
Rudd promises Middle East, Australian troop withdrawal, want to bet on that one?

The 80% have an imprint that the next one will be better, but it ain’t necessarily so. this social attachment has been going on for centuries. The next PNAC one is usually worse, much worse.

Kampala Uganda bloodshed incurred by brutal military police, who hired them and paid for the uniforms, people have no food but there is a brand new control group in place, beating and intimidating as is seen world wide. The one in Myanmar was not long ago. Pakistan and Afghanistan are under attack from PNAC Contractors as well. Of course there are others, of course the problem is going on world wide and of course it’s no coincidence.

PNAC Gun incremental.

DC Washington gun issue shouldn’t be an issue but is under PNAC scrutiny, the Bush government is afraid of the upcoming revolution.
Eradication of constitutional 2nd amendment, they are chipping away at the right to bare arms.

Washington DC and San Francisco are two places in the country where you do not have the right to bare arms. That’s the PNAC plan and they will expand it.
The PNAC owned Supreme Courts decide it’s not an individuals right to bare arms, but the State has the right to maintain a militia.

All other states will follow suit and the individuals right to bare arms disappears. There will not be a house to house search the government will do it quickly but carefully not to spark the revolt.
People found to have guns are likely to be shot or put in already existing internment camps. They got the names and addresses of people who have guns already in their position.

They got the information From mandatory gun registration in the last ten years, they got the names. When people objected to that, the government said, oh no it’s just a little thing. Here now we have the next little thing. Governments do bad things by nature, trusting their motive is always a big mistake. Declare an all State of emergency and demand a gun turn in.

Just to simplify things they’ll shoot you. When you are dead you are not free or rich.
Americas history has values that are self congratulating, ideals of freedom and rules of law, ”Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” memorialized in song. Thing of it, the American notion to be free and rule of law is a self definition of Glory.
This is no nonsensical silly notion indeed. They can glorify them selves from now and fore ever.

The Middle East war of wars is succeeding and failing at the same time.
“We have to be feared”, operations have become more brutal
Although America hasn’t won, all others have lost.
What then is the moral issue; the PNAC has overreached its power and whole cultures are mass murdered.

A plague is yet to come Viruses mutate and a plague in the Middle East or even world wide can not be ruled out.

Here is where Chalabi comes in to the picture. More likely than not, there exists a distinct possibility the PNAC Bush Corporation put Chalabi in charge of Utilities in Iraq, which includes water.
Water is the resource easily tampered with, carry deadly virus, infect and kill.
Eventually this modality will also be used else where not only in the Middle East.

It’s already used in testing ground Africa, Africans drink infected water daily and die from it. The possibility also exists that New Orleans was a testing ground for the gun law and for water.

At the orders of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin, the New Orleans Police, the National Guard, the Oklahoma National Guard, and U.S. Marshals have begun breaking into homes at gunpoint, confiscating lawfully-owned firearms, and evicting the residents. "No one is allowed to be armed. We're going to take all the guns," says P. Edwin Compass III, the superintendent of police.

ABC News video on September 8 showed National Guard troops going house-to-house, smashing down doors, searching for residents, and confiscating guns.
Many of the troops were clearly conflicted by their orders. "It is surreal," said one member of the Oklahoma National Guard who was going door-to-door in New Orleans. "You never expect to do this in your own country." But here it is.
The City of New Orleans denied these facts for months until SAF sued them. That is the reality, of the PNAC Corporation.

Could New Orleans really have been a natural disaster?
Now Malibu is on fire, take the matches away from the Governor.

Oh say can you hear the audible murmur surrounding the blue planet, the PNAC overreached its power, people are fed up, the Corporation is getting really nervous.

A Conference in Annapolis should give Bush enough security.
Blair the international envoy is there too.
Anti Israel slogans, one wonders why?
Israel treats the Palestinians so well, destroyed almost all of their lives and them.
An American President extols peace in the Middle East at a secure American fortress, peace has not been promoted before, why should this conference be any different, the self glorifying America, has brought an everlasting war to the world.

The first mistake that was made, Hamas and Hezbollah elected factions in Lebanon and Palestine were not invited.
Iran although strictly speaking not an Arab State, but clearly in the Middle East, was not invited and so the conference is not complete or legitimate.
When a man wants to promote peace, the man has to understand justice and equality.
The “WE and THEM” issue heard here again, encourages hypocritical anti peace sentiment and division world wide.

To understand what the US/Israel PNAC is all about, one must grasp the meaning of an immensely complicated, multi front war, why should the corporation give up control and profitable operations. The corporation, imperialist ambition is in itself corrupt. Bush versed in booze, not in political science is now more extortionate; he cultivates war, where peace is a silly notion in his pigmy brain.

With Iran, they would conquer the biggest and most influential country in the Middle East and it might well be the turning point for the US PNAC.
Iran, a Nation vastly bigger than Iraq and Afghanistan thrown together, the PNAC could fail through overambition. The pay off if it works would be spectacular-

Bush still in office for one year, is not less arrogant and bullying, but when he is in his most quiet, nicest voice he is most dangerous and watch for contradictions.

PNAC threats and promises have forced Musharaf to resign his 43 year career as army chief.
The Bush administration seized his power with out right. The Bush PNAC dangerously forced their will, meddling in Pakistanis inner politics.
Power taken from Pakistan Musharaf, is basically now in the hands of the overreaching, already powerful PNAC.
Horrific conditions in Afghanistan the contractors are very busy there
Pakistan since Musharaf is a civilian and powerless vis a vis the military, the PNAC has stolen the power there too.
PNAC Contractors intend to invade Iran from multiple fronts Pakistan and Afghanistan. From Pakistan would be from southern Pakistan in to south east Iran, from Afghanistan in to north east Iran. Then air attacks and the 3 German built nuclear super submarines attack from southern waters, India is in the PNAC pocket, Uzbekistan directly north is technically theirs, an enormous US air base in Uzbekistan, Iran is surrounded by the aggressors, we have again Multi front aggression.

They’re hitting Musharaf with all cannons, his future is in corrupt, bloody hands, they want him totally out. Bush finger ready to point
Bush shouldn’t worry about his legacy, besides his mother; who gives a damn about his legacy, she thought citizens of New Orleans did well for them selves with Katrina. Actually the citizens waited 5 days for water before it got to the Super Dome,

Negropontes recent voyage to Islamabad ended Musharafs 43 year military career it’s that simple. That’s what Negroponte was doing in Islamabad, threatened Musharaf.
What ever the deal is, it’s highly suspicious.

Extraordinarily bleak Bush struts around Camp David, flanked by Olmert and Abbas no apparent abandonment signs of arrogance and selfglorification. PNAC usable space for peace in their agenda zero. Olmert and Abbas agree with Bush what else would they do?

People who own homes are on the edge, homes are being fore closed mortgages are folding, the US government arranged the Nations nightmares. Mortgage fore closures Americans loose twice, the Bush government owns their homes and there is nothing they can do about it.

America goes where the PNAC is pointing it, down the toilette.
US athletes are being hunted by the PNAC government for allegedly taking performance enhancing drugs, US contractors in the Middle East take these drugs daily and become the hunters and government heroes.

Monday 26 November 2007

New York - Service members seriously wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan after they received a $10,000 bonus for enlisting are being asked by the Pentagon to repay portions of the incentive money, says a U.S. senator who calls the practice an example of military policy gone wrong.

According to a wide range of reports, several nuclear bombs were “lost” for 36 hours after taking off August 29/30, 2007 on a “cross-country journey” across the U.S., from U.S.A.F Base Minot in North Dakota to U.S.A.F. Base Barksdale in Louisiana. Reportedly, in total there were six W80-1 nuclear warheads armed on AGM-129 Advanced Cruise Missiles (ACMs) that were “lost.” The story was first reported by the Military Times, after military servicemen leaked the story.

A significant number of people with knowledge of the intended secret coup Bush missile attack were murdered they died under extremely sumptuous circumstances.
Those missiles weren’t lost, after it blew up in his face Bush replaced the people, paperwork, computer tracking system,
This was Planned from the top down, Bush was going to use them on Iran, it was “THEM not US” and the pilots never would have made it back, they would have killed them too.

We have no idea what the administration is capable of and how morally corrupt they really are. We could all be melted now if honest decent people hadn’t died for what they thought right.

The PNAC was ready for meltdown, what sane person aspires to this? Next time the melt down comes by sea, the Persian Gulf Sea, from the brand new stealth ready to act, nuclear German built submarines.

Or perhaps next time people aren’t willing to die for decency and their fellow human beings and the amoral administration wins.

Next time and there will be a next time, the Bush administration might still be in office or not, a new worse administration is planned, we can count on that, unless balance is restored and void and baffled are Bush, Blair, Brown, Bilderbergers,
“Novus Ordo Seclorum.” May the villains be banished. We wish for governments which don’t take the cowards way out and hide behind cause and effect,

merry Holidays.

See you next time


See you next time


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