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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ingrid Margo Journalist


British and German wounded
Bernafay Wood 19 July 1916

HAARP Alaska EM technology facility

A thin young man, so many thin young men there, it’s fascinating. Hired by whom, that’s also fascinating.
There must have been a lot of people that wanted Bhutto dead, stealing the country blind to the tune of 1.5 billion.
Stick to the facts.

So Bhutto, we saw that coming, that way they can deal with Musharaf more harshly perhaps even kill him too.
Her election campaign was not going well; still she is a fraud and a thief. There are so many fanatic political assassinations, this one doesn’t change the fact that she was wanted for money laundering in Switzerland and fraud in her own country, how much money did she owe her country, the people of Pakistan, they forgot that? Her death doesn’t erase her debt, that fact doesn’t change, this assassination only changes how the Bush administration deals with Musharaf now.
She is dead, and her death will be used to the advantage of the killers and who profits most from her liquidation; that will reveal itself shortly..
That was also correctly the question after the Hariri assassination. Whom did it profit when Hariri was murdered? Who invaded Lebanon again next? Surly the world can remember that little bit of time back. Incrementally that invasion makes sense it only doesn’t make sense on the immediate surface.
That is precisely how the PNAC wants the public to see things, superficially and incrementally
Supposedly her last word was Allah, who knows, what was Hariris last word, or Sharon or Arafat? It would be truly distasteful to make her a martyr now, she was anything but.
They just might do that if it serves them and if it serves them, they use any excuse to discredit Musharaf, get him gone, it was easier to get rid of her than him at this moment.
Yes may her soul rest in peace. But may this event not erase the truth about this woman. The Corporation shouldn’t glorify criminals.

Bhutto went from morally corrupt to seismic because a thin man put an extra hole in her head; Bush “condemns” he spouts political blather, one criminal less is one criminal less, lets be grateful for small favors. Heaven or hell for this fallen Angel, the fact is, the Bush administration is still after Musharaf; if they only stopped meddling.

There are currently about 26,000 US soldiers in Afghanistan, 12,000 of whom operate independently and 14,000 of whom are part of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The NATO force, which consists of 40,000 personnel, includes soldiers from Canada, Australia, Britain, Germany, France, and other European countries.
And why is that, why and how does the US increase occupation in the small Nation what is the next step?
There have been growing concerns within the US military and the ruling elite as a whole that the situation in
Afghanistan is spiraling out of control. Any partial drawdown of US troops from Iraq in the coming months, as the tours of duty of troops sent there as part of Bush’s “surge” come to an end, will likely be accompanied by an escalation of the US presence in Afghanistan. What is the Bush cover up in Afghanistan?
The US is also looking for ways to increase the size of its military to confront a severe shortage of soldiers resulting from the simultaneous colonial-style operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. At the same time, the Bush administration has by no means ruled out military action against Iran.
Now there we have it, Iran, yes Iran and that’s why Pakistan is of vital US interest along with Afghanistan.

So the PNAC is sacrificing yet another country for their glory and greed and incrementally finally reach their goal in the Middle East and invade Iran. They’re working on it.

Haarp in this case not a musical instrument, but a weapon of mass destruction the WMD owned and used by the PNAC Corporation. Bush doesn’t want to discuss or acknowledge it. Produces meteorological control and catastrophic events around the globe.
It’ll stop communication For example the tsunami 3 years ago killed 200.000, credit goes to the Bush administration, Katrina, like wise Bush administration gets credited for disasters and EM technology. No wonder they are not concerned about Global warming, they create their own global meteorological war fair with WMD, EM technology

This aggression threatens not only humans but the eventual destruction of all living organisms. This is inevitable with the use of HAARP, WMD EM manipulation.
To what end, they think they are safe, that’s what they think.
Unless they leave this planet for another that is incorrect,
What sane person could possibly think that way?

In 1977, so 31 years ago the UN General Assembly banned ‘military use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or extreme severe effects.’ specifically EM technology. This, the Bush administration never mentions or acknowledges.

EM technology deliberately manipulated becomes WMD which is the dynamic attacking the structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, outer space.

HAARP Established in 1992, HAARP, is located in Gokona, Alaska, transmits, through high-frequency radio waves, massive amounts of energy into the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere). Funded by the US Air Force, Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Agency, according to its official website, www.haarp.alaska.edu , HAARP is used to change temperatures release energy for earth quakes, tsunami and actually any metrological changes that impact the earth, so physical reactions can be studied by other instruments.
Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.

According to a report by the Russian State Duma: ‘ US incremental plans are to carry out experiments conducted by the US Air Force to the unthinkable: covert manipulation of weather patterns, communications and electric power.
They will use EM technology as the weapon of global warfare, enabling the US to disrupt and dominate entire regions of the globe.
Attention has been focused on Weather manipulation, and it is directed against countries without their knowledge, destabilizing economies, financial and commodity markets, agriculture and Food control, which has already been in progress for years in many countries.

EM technology enables the US to disrupt and dominate this planet and beyond. We have no idea what they are doing with EM technology it is literally incomprehensible.

So this is not what Tessla and Einstein had in mind
Nicola Tessla didn’t have global destruction in mind when he invented electromagnetic technology and Einstein didn’t think of atom bombs and death to thousand, when he thought of his theory of relativity.
In both these instances the inventions are used by the US government and used with dreadful intent and certainly not for the good of humanity.

Stripping democracy is a myth, no democracy exists.
What we are seeing though is that the government can’t control the masses, the PNAC Bush administration fore saw that and for that reason built the secret concentration camps across the United States., they haven’t been built for nothing

The government doing bad things predictably knows of coming events their action provokes the issue, so obviously they know. So they build concentration camps and prepare places and things where they mistreat and murder those who are against them. This exists in every government, most recent and very notably Guantanamo, PNAC Hitler had them and used them. Actually Hitler was not anti Semitic early on, according to his own writing, some body, possibly from the PNAC convinced him. Later Hitler became fanatic.

And no, governments can not keep their bad deeds and atrocities secret, the people find out, but governments also know people forget and the public is gullible, naïve and ignorant. Therefor easily tricked and easily fooled. Thus the government doesn’t want the public informed or educated they prefer people who are lacking knowledge and stay unaware and are easily fooled.

Look around you; does this look like peace, democracy and freedom?
Or does this look like “we screwed you suckers”? Talking world wide not one country or maybe even two.

Next blood bath The Serbian Parliament has voted overwhelmingly to prevent any attempt by the province of Kosovo to declare independence.

The authorities in Kosovo plan to declare their independence unilaterally in the next few weeks.

Western countries already have their big noses in the pie, when blood is running in the streets, and there is money, western meddlers are there.
The Serbian Parliament says, Serbia should reconsider its diplomatic and other relations with countries that might recognize Kosovo's independence. It also says that because of NATO's support for Kosovo's independence, Serbia must remain outside the Western military alliance, of course this means war.

World War I started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austria- Hungarian throne, in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914 by a member of the Black Hand, a Serbian nationalist “secret society.” It could be you know who?

Austria-Hungary's reaction to the death of their heir was three weeks in coming. It issued an ultimatum to Serbia, which demanded that the assassins be brought to justice. Serbia had Slavic ties with Russia. In order to protect itself, the Austria-Hungarian government sought assurances that Germany would come to her aid should Russia declare war on Austria-Hungary. Germany, agreed.

Then things moved quickly. Austria-Hungary, unsatisfied with Serbia's response to her ultimatum declared war on Serbia on 28 July 1914. Russia, bound by treaty to Serbia, mobilized its vast army. Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary by treaty, viewed the Russian mobilization as an act of war against Austria-Hungary, and declared war on Russia on 1 August.
France, bound by treaty to Russia, responded by announcing war against Germany and Austria-Hungary on 3 August. Germany promptly responded on 4 August by invading neutral Belgium to open a quick path to Paris. Britain, allied to Belgium declared war against Germany on 4 August. In just a little over a month all of Europe was at war.

In little more than a month, all of Europe was at war, all it took were a few words meaningless alliances the murder of one Archduke Franz Ferdinand and voila all of Europe went to war.
The number of World War I casualties, both military and civilian, was over 40 million — 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. This includes 9.7 million military deaths and about 10 million civilian deaths. The Entente Powers (also known as the Allies) lost more than 5 million soldiers and the Central Powers about 4 million.
So simple so incremental and manipulated, and the people, the people went off to bleed.

Robert Gates US secretary of defense a few words and meaningless alliances “We always say all options are on the table, but clearly, the diplomatic and economic approach is the one that we are pursuing." he said. Saying and doing.

The U.S. government has been pushing for punishing Iran at the United Nations for failing to suspend disputed nuclear work. Washington accuses Iran of attempting to make nuclear weapons, an accusation strongly denied by Tehran.
Punishing, its tuff to understand how the US comes to. or takes the right to punish, what exactly is that?
Iranian leaders have said Tehran would not bow to western pressure to suspend its uranium enrichment, which Iran repeatedly says will only be used for peaceful means such as generating power.

Did Tehran punish America, punish Bush,
punish the US for meddling and stockpiling nukes?

The U.S. top commander in Iraq, Gen. David Petraeus, told a news conference on Wednesday at the National Press Club that his troops have found solid evidence to show Iran's involvement in fatal attacks in Iraq. Yah that’s believable.

Before the war ends in the Middle East, if it ever does, the Serbia-Kosovo war could be in full swing, keep chaos and confusion going and the blood running in the street and profit is guaranteed. People are not shockable any more.

Ah yes the European Union, ah yes Blair, ah yes international Middle East envoy, and ah yes PNAC Blair.

The European Union causes disagreement just like religions do, they are designed by secretive and calculating politicians to divide, not unite.

   See you next time

Example Pietin

Blue Text

Weather War fair

U.S. Troops to Head to Pakistan

Beginning early next year, U.S. Special Forces are expected to vastly expand their presence in Pakistan, as part of an effort to train and support indigenous counter-insurgency forces and clandestine counterterrorism units, according to defense officials involved with the planning.

These Pakistan-centric operations will mark a shift for the U.S. military and for U.S. Pakistan relations. In the aftermath of Sept. 11, the U.S. used Pakistani bases to stage movements into Afghanistan. Yet once the U.S. deposed the Taliban government and established its main operating base at Bagram, north of Kabul, U.S. forces left Pakistan almost entirely. Since then, Pakistan has restricted U.S. involvement in cross-border military operations as well as paramilitary operations on its soil.

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