

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Sunday, February 03, 2008

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“Thoughts and Choices”

Mr. Josef Göbbels PNAC Hitler Propaganda Minister.
“Death of America”,
And handing the inheritance to the PNAC
Power is in the wrong hands

They went in to California, stole PG&E pension funds and floated Enron. There was no lack of power in California. California was selected, deregulated and the joke is on California, Grey Davis was out, and greedy, no moral Schwarzenegger “making money how ever I can”, was in. Schwarzenegger the Terminator, the PNAC know how to find and place them, they can smell greed like predators smell Bambi.

 They went in to California, stole PG&E pension funds and floated Enron. There was no lack of power in California. California was selected, deregulated and the joke is on California, Grey Davis was out, and greedy, no moral Schwarzenegger “making money how ever I can”, was in. Schwarzenegger the Terminator, the PNAC know how to find and place them, they can smell greed like predators smell Bambi.

The PNAC Bilderberger Corporation present “Rock Group of the Millennium” Polluted PNAC stars, twice Bush, Schwarzenegger, Pai, Mubarak (outsourced), Rumsfeld, Rove, Rice, Ashcroft, Hussein (overdosed)and others. They out sourced oh so many, like Pai, they come and they disappear, it’s a big, big band, larger than a group, an orchestra, yes a large philharmonic.

Permutations across the grid; over book the power lines, close a few plants, sell California power out of the State, create rolling blackouts and the price goes through the roof. Artificial shortages push prices higher. Convolution is so intricate no one can follow it except the creators.
Go ahead; shut down power plants with the flick of a switch, power supply that worked for a hundred years at reasonable prices is suddenly turned in to a Casino. A publicized Bush free market is damned expensive for customers. Power is in the wrong hands.
Schwarzenegger is a wild fires suspect.

Way deep; early on, Ken Lay met with Chinese officials.
Lou Pai was from China, he is Chinese and disappeared to China with American pension funds, unethical. Is there an evil strain or can moral people be this way? Can people lose their morality? The PNAC does extremely well with murder and theft, but they can’t do it all by themselves.

3rd Cable Cut
Tell me it’s coincidence please.
Another undersea cable carrying Internet traffic was cut off, officials said Friday, this time in the Persian Gulf emirate of Dubai. The third loss of a line carrying Internet and telephone traffic in three days.
That is the PNAC cutting telecommunications, no surprise.

Bush sees “troubling signs”, ha, ha.

How would an asshole know it’s an asshole?

Mr. Göbbels about 70 years ago;
"The high point of the wonderful Gau East Hanover party rally was the speech by the party's Reichspropagandaleiter, Reich Minister Dr. Göbbels. In a compelling speech, he said the party and the army were the pillars of the nation. Both are important, and neither is replaceable."
"We have helped ourselves, creating real things, not illusions”.

We must not forget that the PNAC Corporation and its lieutenants have a special set of principles, a belief system, their idealism is different. They seriously believe what they do is right, what they think, correct.
It’s a curios thing but that’s human nature, people believe what they think is the right way. Every body thinks their way is the right way. Okay, but pushing it on others?

Groups like the PNAC are not happy in themselves and want to push their beliefs and systems on every body, with force and murder if necessary. They are not happy if they haven’t gotten all the power away from others, all others, the world.

Certainly people like Rockefeller and Rothschild are intelligent, though greed, money and power are paramount to them. But here is the hook, people fall in line mainly because they have a need to grab on to something. They don’t know what, but it gives them a low level of power. They become the interrogators, the murderers of innocence and they think that gives them power. Later if there is any conscience left they begin the doubt; social, society, education, money, standard of living etc.

The totalitarian power system how ever only works well for the rich the very rich. It doesn’t work for the poor or even the middle class; the middle class in this system suffers and is eventually eliminated.
So Rockefeller and friends set up the plan to keep the populous below standard, they become extinct.
Their living standard always keeps them on the edge of scraping nickels and dimes and their standard is set by the PNAC. Prices go up never down, especially food; food is controlled by the government growing methods as well as price and distribution.

The Good life is always a promise, never a reality. So they’re stuck in limbo and struggle, usually with lack of education, menial work for menial wages (sometimes available), joblessness or no other social means to get to an expectable level.

Living conditions get desperate for the family of 5-7 in two rooms; usually men become frustrated and abusive.
Women are suppressed, prone to disease, children mal nourished, slow learners, low self esteem, low achievers, they are angry and unhappy. They are on a meaningless merry go round and copy their parents’ model, their ideal. What do they have to emulate. And the whole vicious cycle begins again.

Maybe a rich family may be completely dysfunctional, but if there are money and social connection as enabler, they are in the position to do some thing. Rich or poor, money helps, believe it.
Here is an example, no money, no education; man and woman cow herders in Austria, they get married young no education, the man is hired by the Hitler regime. He enters a carrier as an SS officer; to the cow herder it’s a rags to riches fairy tale.
No education is needed; basically he becomes an officer and a killer for the PNAC Hitler regime in an instant.
They have 11 children one after another, she receives the Mutter Kreuz medal, a reward for having a mass baby production factory.
On the last two babies the mother is tapped out, she doesn’t have enough left in her body to nourish the fetuses, they are born with birth defects, and this is by no means an atypical situation.
When the regime collapsed he was sent to Siberia, captured by Russians and died there.
She went back to Austria with her kids and lived with her aging parents. A social disaster, these always at war regimes always have these consequences, so the situation is the same world wide. It hasn’t changed since WW2.

I’m not saying here the two cow herders were idiots, just making a point saying they never had a chance for social clarity and justice. Somewhere they could learn and advance socially, not only money wise, no dignity, self esteem, education, a self improvement package and then later pass a worthwhile heritage on to their children. What did they actually get in exchange for a little power and money?

Currently the Middle Class no longer exists; it has been eliminated by government. People living substandard lives don’t usually count; they are in the depopulation program.

The rich are richer than ever before. All the power and money drives their reasoning and there thinking becomes warped.

Torture methods are over the top because these people are ultra radical.
WW2 the PNAC then in charge of interrogation didn’t resort to water boarding or pulverizing thighs causing horrific unspeakable pain and damage to the tissue and bones so that amputation is the only solution because the legs are no longer able to walk.

This administration overreached and some how somebody needs to put an end to the unacceptability and the ignorance of their rule of nonlaw.

Blackwater is sanctioned by the government, its ideology and actions are not acceptable; Guantanamo and the other PNAC gulags are not welcome or approved of by any one but the governments and its ghouls, the evil minded government and its evil spirits.
They must be abolished like Auschwitz was and other KZ Camps in the third Reich.
Instead, there are more and more such facilities and the PNAC is getting more outrageous as every day goes by.

In the past 7 years in the US emphasis is on new concentration camp facilities, while the housing market and citizens rights go to hell.

Again we see the whims and sick fantasies of the administration top lieutenants fulfilled, while the Public, the glue of country and society, are not only neglected but completely ignored and trampled in the dust.
The very rich, mentally imbalanced, are allowed to flourish.

Hitler was completely taken by surprise when the PNAC didn’t keep their promise and hung him out to dry.
Till the last moment he actually believed they would keep their word and come and rescue him.

But of course they didn’t, because the world would have learned what incredible liars and how corrupt they are.

Instead what they did was they sold him and his staff to the Russians, set up a tribunal similar to the Saddam Hussein Mickey Mouse trial. Those who knew what was coming were able to commit suicide, including Hitler.

It doesn’t have to be a government or country, it can be a Corporation like ENRON for example, but they always make and get their money and power and murder the key people like Ken Lay for instance, he knew too much. Lay was ready to sing, tell the real story, they got to him first, but they also first got the money, and they discredited the mans reputation, nice neat package indeed. It’s a fascinating story it’s all about numbers and a human tragedy. Enron executives, two of them are dead, apparent suicide.
Lay, big contributor to GWBush campaign, money gone, where, into thin air, check the millions increase the dark shadow suddenly in the Bush pocket.
Some how a reminder of the Bush-bin Laden business venture that money is also in the Bush account and Salem bin Laden, Osama’s oldest brother is dead.
Killing for money killing for fun a Bush family tradition. It profits the Killers.

Both George Bush father and son were making more than phone calls for Kenneth Lay; they rapped him in the cloak of “the best thing that happened to the Bush family”.
Oil trading high profits, accounts were switched and doctored. Company profits to personal account sounds familiar, just a short while ago the Salem bin Laden and George Bush Oil Company went down, the company dismantled, the money in GWs pocket and Salem was dead. Bush family magic. The aggressiveness of it is unbelievable.

Murder in the thousands, deceit a million layers deep. See the Bush family coming, run away. Actually, see any of the demented PNAC guys coming, run away, and its all about money and power, nothing else means squat.
Lou Pai a psychopath like Bush,
Lou Pai is the real mystery man in the Enron scandal. A former executive of the energy trading firm, he cashed in an estimated $270 million in stock and left the company before it collapsed, divorced his wife, married an exotic dancer, bought an enormous piece of Colorado, sold it and then disappeared into obscurity.

A 50.000.000 dollar bribe was usual; the employees were outrageously swept under the carpet.
Then the executives started selling off their shares all in the hundreds of millions. They knew what was coming ignoring all the warning signs. On Wall Street Shares were falling over 30%, Bush/PNAC family was making money, well deserved they feel.

The depravity among them is great but yet they believe what they are doing is the right thing or they couldn’t be doing what they are doing, the other option, they don’t really give a flying damn.

Just look at those people who are in charge of the torture for the administration, they may enjoy that sick power they are given to begin with by the PNAC Corporation not realizing the vulnerable position, they now can be manipulated with guilt and themselves murdered by their more conscienceless colleges, the other murderers.
And it goes on and on and when will this horror stop.
When they die out, when the Rockefellers, Kissingers and Rothschilds are dead, good luck, they saw to it that their succession is extended. Kissinger for example had two children, then two more with a younger wife. Most of them have more than that, they see to it that their brood cows produce. Nelson Rockefeller did that also with one wife then another younger wife.

Hitler’s regime gave women medals for having as many kids as they could, knocking them out on mass. Mr. Göbbels in his first propaganda speech

Despite their not exactly progressive view of women, German women in general supported the Nazis.
Göbbels gave this speech on 18 March 1933; just six weeks after Hitler took power. The occasion was the opening of a women's exhibition in Berlin. Göbbels lays out rather clearly what National Socialism intends to do to change the role of women in society.

German women, German men!
It is a happy accident that my first speech since taking charge of the Ministry for Propaganda and People's Enlightenment is to German women.
Although I agree with Treitschke that men make history, I do not forget that women raise boys to manhood.
You know that the National Socialist movement is the only party that keeps women out of daily politics. This arouses bitter criticism and hostility, all of it very unjustified. We have kept women out of the parliamentary-democratic intrigues of the past fourteen years in Germany not because we do not respect them, but because we respect them too much. We do not see the woman as inferior, but rather as having a different mission, a different value, than that of the man. Therefore we believed that the German woman, who more than any other in the world is a woman in the best sense of the word, should use her strength and abilities in other areas than the man. We do not want to act bureaucratically, rather in close and living contact with the people."

And you thought Hillary has a chance, ha, ha.
Yes this attitude compounded, what we see today is men, men, men with an occasional token woman on the world stage.
The PNAC planted that “keep`em barefoot and pregnant” seed more than 60 years ago and has nourished it carefully.

Lets say Kissinger has 4 and there are 75 top PNAC members for arguments sake and lets say the average is 4 kids, so 75 times four is 300 the average then is three hundred constant PNAC ruling members give or take with the same ideology as Bush, Hitler or Rumsfeld , Cheney and Rove take your pick.

There is some thing to be said about the power and wealth these people amassed by force and lies and theft.

And there is a reason why they completely suppress women, women are in touch with compassion for one thing.
The PNAC takes compassion as some thing that gets in the way of power, as weakness, they completely fail to see that compassion is one of the most powerful things in the world and if we don’t hold on to things like compassion we will lose our soul like these guys. These guys are the delusional Meister Race, ha, ha.

Number One in Chad the Chadian African president of Chad doesn’t want Sarkozy to help him out of the African country Chad his country. Sarkozy could get married again instead, ey?

   See you next time

Example Pietin

Blue Text
Iraq Conflict Has Killed A Million Iraqis
LONDON - More than one million Iraqis have died as a result of the conflict in their country since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, according to research conducted by one of Britain’s leading polling groups.

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