

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“The National Peoples Congress”

Peaceful Invasion Bush, IraqPeaceful Invasion Wen Jaboa Tibet

The world population no longer suffers “the good government illusion” the information is clear, the government is inherently corrupt and not for the people.

Wen Jaboa calls the Dalai Lama a liar and hypocrite.
Wen directs name calling directly on the Dalai Lama.
Be realistic who are the invaders and who took away the freedom and independence from Tibet and forced the Tibetan leader into exile? That would be China.

US middle east Invasion/Occupation shock and awe 5 years ago – China Tibet Invasion/Occupation shock and awe 58 years ago.

1950 China Tibet/China invasion would have been under the leadership of Mao Zedong.
It is reported that horrible forms of torture and killing took place. That the victims were subjected to a red-hot gun-rod being rammed into the anus, and that there were many cases of cutting open the stomach and scooping out the heart. The estimated number of the victims amounted to several thousands and could be as high as 186,000.
Moas wife was executed, he later married again.
So the torture in Tibet may resemble the torture used under Mao, those thing never get better.

Heroes like Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and Bush etc. are often honestly insane horrifying monsters, they are revered by the people. That’s the part that is not understandable, but a verifiable fact, always starting with lies and promises they never kept.

They got the oil; they’ll steal the water next. They’ll steal the water from Syria and Iraq from the upstream resources of the Tigris and Euphrates river system in Anatolia.
Russia is building a navy base in the Syrian port of Tartus.
There having severe sand storms in Beijing and we think God isn’t watching.

Not “IF but “When” the Iran war starts, makes McCain very, acceptable as the PNAC installed War President.

Eisenhower didn’t help Tibet in 1950, Bush will not step on Chinese toes in 2008, too big.

Chinese information blackout on Tibet and US information blackout on the Middle East; easy to do.

Wen Ja Boa speaking about the brutal suppression in Tibet;
As was expected Wen blames the Dalai Lama for Chinese oppression in Tibet, never mentioning who invaded of course.

In reality the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s moral leader said “ I’ll resign if unrest persists” he vehemently deplores violence. China, as Wen Jaboa said will bring stability to Tibet, yah like Bush brought stability to Iraq, execution style.

World leader Wen Ja Boa with the English letter “L” in front
defends the Chinese position with obvious absurdity. Extreme Chinese cruelty extinguished scores of Tibetan lives again, people want religious as well as civil freedom and they want their own country back, if you don’t mind.

Want`a know what I think? I think the Mona Lisa was a guy.

Amazingly Tibet never issued an invitation to China and Iraq didn’t issue one to the US.

Blaming loss of life in Lhassa and other parts of Tibet on the Dalai Lama is of course the only thing the Wen government can admit. Tibet and Taiwan will come in to strong focus both are important for Chinas economy and both are under the Chinese hammer.
“Chinese leader Wen said
“This is a difficult year, why, because inside and outside often the country makes it more difficult, never shy away from difficult responsibility”.
Never before has Wen said so little, but in view of the sour situation Wen Ja Boa has nothing to say, why, because that’s what world leaders do when they murder innocent civilians in the country they brutally invaded, they say nothing.

McCain in Baghdad is beginning to sound like Bush, that’s a good reason for the PNAC to put him in the driver’s seat; we mustn’t forget Bush did well for them.
US troops will have to stay for decades, why with China firmly ensconced in Tibet, how could the US leave the Middle East.
The PNAC want to convince the American people, that if the troops are withdrawn from the Middle East, the US will collapse, yah and Santa Clause is a lovely old, what ever.

Again the opposite is the truth, the famous “Theory and Practice Gap”
The PNAC, the US presence in the Middle East is making them money of course the financial situation in the US is a front and center money maker, that fewer Americans have died is a horrible lie, Bear&Stearns & Co Inc yet another Enron money maker for the PNAC.
Spitzer, wrong place wrong time.

Last years share Bear&Stearns & Co Inc $170 today $2 where did all the money go, or is it air they actually sold to the idiots.
And the lies go on, the crescendo is building, the world is waiting for the big bang. The Bush big bang, no GNH for the people, PNAC just PNAC, not a pretty picture.

World leaders are the same in the wide world whether they are named Bush, Wen, Putin, Sarkozy or Merkel.
One must expect nothing but evil intent from them, nothing but notorious ill will toward the people and self serving greed for them.

They are not only killing the human species but while the world is busy with concern for the humans, they are killing other species, Polar bears, fish, chickens, cows, bees, wheat, rice, less for man and beast and more for the beasts in charge.
Hell is right here, right now on earth, guys like Bush are not worried about going to hell they are in the hell they created, hell right here on Earth.

The Bush team and the McCain team or the what ever team,
No difficult difference, they have this situation in hand, figured out, planned and they are going forward with their plan, all else be damned.

What ever Wen says, the Dalai Lama isn’t living in his own country, The Dalai Lama left Tibet, his country, under extreme difficulty to escape Chinese invasive military brutality.
Wen said they will not leave Tibet and “we will never waver from this position” Wen actually said that, sound familiar; the liars even borrow each others words, sentences, sentiments.

Peaceful people are condemned and murdered for wanting religious and civil freedom in their own country.

The reality is Indian police arrested and therefore stopped a 50 mile peace march in India this is the reality,
Mr. Singh the PNAC sacred cow had his gallbladder removed India was the sanctuary for the Tibetan exiles and their Spiritual leader the Dalai Lama. Now things are changing under the Singh regime, with the PNAC Indian sacred cow in place their future could be in peril.

Mr. Bush doesn’t really know what to do, except what he is told, he nauseatingly shovels stolen money in to PNAC pockets, pretending to elevate poverty, bring freedom, creating sickness in the stomach, building green zones,
eating cheese burgers and slaughtering millions.

McCain is more the fried chicken type, being from Arizona and all. He’s short, he lies, changes his mind often, his health is not the best, he’s 71 and he lies. Perfect PNAC guy.

Obama, yes, but he’s black, believing America isn’t still bigoted is having ones head in a cream pie and Hillary, a woman member in the intolerant good old boys club, are you kidding.
Any way it doesn’t matter at all, what so ever, what will come, will be PNAC.

Oil shortage, food shortage, water shortage, when the people are gone shortages don’t matter, who will the PNAC steal from then, the next frontier, no body knows what they are taking to the space stations, some how they always find new places to steal from, no corrupt government shortage that’s for sure.

TEHRAN, March 17 (MNA) – Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadineajd on Monday called for closer cooperation with Switzerland.
In a meeting with Swiss Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey, Ahmadinejad said the two sides enjoy great potential to expand comprehensive relations, especially in energy sector.
“Iran is the land of logic and culture and welcomes improving ties with other countries,” Ahmadinejad stated.

Calmy-Rey, for her part, said Swiss is seeking to utilize nuclear energy to meet its energy demands as the country lacks reserves of fossil fuel and of course there are always the Banks, the Swiss Banks. Switzerland has currently 5 nuclear power plants.

The terror organizations controlling the planet are powerful and large what does the future hold for Iraq and Tibet, indeed for the entire globe with globalization and space control.
Still a race still war, instead of cold war its hot war.
Do we really believe Iraq wants to live like Bush is condemning them to? Or Tibet under Chinese oppression or Kosovo/Serbia split in PNAC pieces or Americans under PNAC spy tactics?

Its 6.44 do you know where your children are, are they in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo or are the dead or shut, blown to pieces.
It’s a secret you may not know where your child is that you gave birth to and nurtured and loved so that it can die for greedy corrupt government, isn’t that what every parent wants for his child.
Isn’t poverty what we all want? Under the circumstances what we want is for the villains to disappear, for the PNAC to become powerless poverty stricken puppets, to leave us to our money and freedom in our country.
Would that be the best of all crescendo, the climax in which we will be free from that colossal albatross, the oppressive burden; the push for World freedom, the push for the free child to be born.
Current status, extreme cruelty hurled on the global population by corrupt government.

Wen said “we are capable and will continue to help Tibetans, he further said they will never waver from this position” maybe they really should.
It may be wise for Wen not to sound so much like Bush and choose his words otherwise.

Serbia rejects the separation from Kosovo, but the PNAC knew that and arranged for the unrest there too.

Gates and Rice meet in Moscow today with their counterparts about the Missile Defense, shield blinding confusion pretence “Theory and Practice Gap”

So Rice and Gates are in Moscow, Cheney and McCain are in the Middle East, Bush could be under the mountain or at the ranch, German Merkel is in Israel pretending too, Sarkozy tours Egypt, all out of country, all currently touring.

The planned Economic melt down is not our concern because there is nothing we can do about it, its PNAC business as usual.
Hard to believe but Devine Conscience does exist.

CNN remark about the man in the street, poor choice of words, is aahh, Monita Rajpal talking about the thousands of homeless in the United States?

Tibet poverty and oppression is indeed the world poverty and oppression. The Dalai Lama is calling on China for negotiation, China is not responding neither are the PNAC US, for them these people these things are not negotiable. It’s not a new thing, how ever, growing public discontent is. How far this will go we will see.

China manages information blackout, an invasion is a military attempt to conquer, it is not understood as peaceful,
Be realistic, reality is, America or China do not intent peace in Tibet and the Middle East.

So here’s the rub, China says peaceful invasion, so that means they didn’t bring guns or military, they sent a guy up to Tibet and said “hi were here to steal your country, Bush did pretty much the same with Iraq. The guns, dead people and cluster bombs, are a figment of the imagination.

Invaders can effectively go back to where they came from and the world would be better for this.

The world population no longer suffers “the good government illusion” the information is clear, the government is inherently corrupt.

Watch the Drones, watching us. They are getting smaller and smaller; soon they will fit through our key holes and invade our homes directly.

Israel doesn’t want Merkel to speak in front of the Hebrew Nesi`im because, get this, she speaks German, get over it whiners.

See you next time


Blue Text

Beware an Attack on Iran
The White House has been spewing pugilistic rhetoric toward Iran. In spite of the unanimous conclusion of the 16 U.S. intelligence agencies that Iran is not developing nukes, Bush immediately declared, "I have said Iran is dangerous, and the NIE estimate doesn't do anything to change my opinion about the danger Iran poses to the world - quite the contrary."

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil
Is there a relationship between the bombing of Lebanon and the inauguration of the World's largest strategic pipeline, which will channel more than a million barrels of oil a day to Western markets?

Virtually unnoticed, the inauguration of the Ceyhan-Tblisi-Baku (BTC) oil pipeline, which links the Caspian sea to the Eastern Mediterranean, took place on the 13th of July, at the very outset of the Israeli sponsored bombings of Lebanon.

One day before the Israeli air strikes, the main partners and shareholders of the BTC pipeline project, including several heads of State and oil company executives were in attendance at the port of Ceyhan. They were then rushed off for an inauguration reception in Istanbul, hosted by Turkey's President Ahmet Necdet Sezer in the plush surroundings of the Çýraðan Palace.

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