

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“The Theory and Practice Gap”

What do you think, this PNAC Guy or Those PNAC Guys.

The White House is getting a newly polished old apple installation.

Rice visiting NATO the global PNAC strike Force, getting them to beef up their Afghanistan tour.

The debacle in Serbia/ Kosovo will haunt us yet, accompanied with casual deaths in the thousands.

US is buying more air tankers, air delivery trucks, US is beefing up weapons production and Middle East positioning. The US increases their military and their military supplies.
All of these readiness preparations looks like there will be peace: This ship only floats on WAR.

Blast halts subways in New York Times Square. It was a small blast-
It’ll only work if some body dismantles the entire military machine.

“Columbia slithers into Ecuador, pay attention, the PNAC
detours through Ecuador on the way to Venezuela.”
Pay extreme attention there.

Bush endorses McCain; McCain hides a MAV in his cheek. It’s pathetic.

What the world needs to know right now is how many billions do Buffet and Gates have, yes that’ll make us feel so much better.
Who is stealing all the billions from Citigroup?
The many ways to steal billions, so many and we know some of the expert thieves. So Citigroup is eating the smaller banks, cannibalism. Oh well.

“Project of the New American Century, PNAC Cause anguish and inflict pain on the Individual and the entire Globe” How truly altruistic, friendly, caring, honest and giving, what insane individual doesn’t want to be tortured or murdered. Don’t we all want to be robbed blind, tortured and murdered? OH, some of us might not be insane enough and pass on that lack of reasoning, the lampooned insanity. Pass definitely, pass, and choose Life.
We are now more than ready for GNH and are perfectly willing to forgo and give up PNAC permanently, for ever and ever Amen, period end of story.

Say no to soldiering, turn and walk away from military and contracting. Insanity hurts and the pain gets bigger and bigger and money isn’t everything. We’ll get the money after we give up the insanity, have to give up something to get some thing else. That’s how that works.

Look around you, see the greater picture, but also pay attention to detail.

Invading any country is invasion and clearly above the law, criminal, the PNAC call it incursion and there by ignore the legal right of others, they pretend as if this didn’t exist. National sovereignty, ignored incremental stealing and kidnapping is OK because, one, it’s them doing it, and two, they are above the law, you see; and three, the PNAC does not have the right to rob other countries, not even.

PNAC changed the rule for invasion when they were murdering and stealing in Vietnam.
US troops crossed the border into Cambodia secretly, which clearly was an invasion of Cambodia, and from then on invasion has been known as Incursion.

The US Citizen Soldier died and the family didn’t know their kids died in Cambodia. Now the PNAC still call it incursion, in fact they incur wildly every where, every day, on the globe as they damn well please. Gave them selves license to kill, steal, torture, lie, corrupt and practice criminal acts on the grandest scale. They jail other people or torture and murder them for what they do themselves. How’s that? Pretty outrageous. Legal illegal ho hum.

One step further removed the PNAC is starting to call invasion “retaliation”, no body did any thing to them but they retaliate, specifically in Gaza, Israel is practicing international terrorism and retaliates against Muslims and their ancestors who had to suffer AKBA and still are. Doesn’t that make Israel disgusting? It would certainly behoove the Israeli PNAC to be grateful; they have a place to live even if it is at the expense of Palestinians.
Israel the Middle East department of the PNAC, murders and tortures in the Middle East using inappropriate words to deceive us. They use words like Retaliation, incursion, democracy and freedom, in the “Theory and Practice Gap” deception.
This is confusing and easily misunderstood; in other words turning and shifting words and action, around and around constantly creates confusion it keeps people on the dark, confused Merry Go-round.
At the same time it is very important to the PNAC, the Corp Group, to have a good image, but we might agree, this that ship has sailed.
The PNAC now actually have surpassed the irretrievably tarnished image of their Hitler regime, one of their previous very important blueprints.

There too they did exactly the same thing, keep the “Volk” confused and keep a perfect image intact. Hitler was their heir of the pure, perfect third Reich while millions were tortured and murdered.

Terror, torture, murder and theft in plain sight while keeping the perfect image isn’t easy and not doable in the long haul.
Many must die, sacrifices are too high, and the cost is prohibitive, no dignity no truth.

Then, when hand picked PNAC Hitler spread terror it wasn’t world wide yet, now how ever, the PNAC guys are spreading terror globally and perhaps even beyond, it was done incrementally, but it has become obvious and we know the accomplices, Bush, Bair and Brown and Merkel, Sarkozy and Australia’s Howard and Rudd etc and so on. They are bigger and powerful. They are loyal to the cause and they are extremely dangerous.

As we can clearly see they are likely to cause harm to any one who stands in their way of their target destination

The PNAC is not leaving the Middle East, it is of no consequence whether Bush, Obama, McCain or another not yet known to us is installed the deception and multi talk “Theory and Practice Gap” will continue no matter what is promised by whom, In which case of course there will be continued PNAC not GNH.

Yes please drag this Hillary – Hussein – John thing on and out. We haven’t seen enough BS, it’s so immensely interesting, it’s a change from the blood puddles on the ground on Public Bush TV in the countries Bush invaded except the US but that is a possibility.

So alright already B. Hussein Obama for president and Hillary for vice president, that’s possible. Obama went to school in Jakarta who gives a rat’s fury ass, the important things are deferred, stupid blather preferred.
They’re starting the “Theory and Practice Gap” before they are placed.
Republican – Democrat no longer a difference they are in the same PNAC pot, the PNAC will decide who gets the White House Apartment. Obama win Vermont, not with the people of Vermont?

“Obama the man” want to know how we figured that out.
Barak Hussein had the biggest US flag nailed to the wall behind him, the very first time he showed up somewhere, we are talking huge, biggest broad side of the barn, huge, that thing was special order.

Certainly none of this has to do with how the people are going to fair, how they will do after the next political event, that’s just silly.

The sins committed during the Bush administration hours, are as big as the special order flag nailed to the side of the huge barn behind Barak Hussein Obama.
Any way he and Hillary keep running and they even look well, they look great, how do they do it, do they run on special Super fuel, developed for them from some lab in Virginia.

It is even possible that we will miss George, we miss Karl and Donald don’t we?

And what about the PNAC, are they happy and satisfied when they have used all the special bombs and US Contractors and DUs and poison and freshly manufactured
Terror – bombs, and murdered billions and wasp MAV seven ounce drone that small thing, tiny, as opposed to the big thing behind Obama, the special order.
In the end does any of it have meaning, or has it lost all meaning and has gone to the grave yard where our thoughts and feelings and spirit are buried. That’s not fake those are actually buried a thousand terrors deep.

So the next Rumpelstilschen will be ours January 20 2009, some other preordained PNAC Jerk off, who pledged loyalty to the PNAC Corporation, not the people, Change is on the way, what kind of change, they never answer that part and if they did it would be a lie any way.
Change for the worse, so don’t get all exited, he’ll be a staunch loyalist like the others, Change is rarely for the better for the people, guaranteed he’s not for GNH he will be for the PNAC Bilderberger Corporation, he already is.

   See you next time


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