

with the snap of a wing, the world changes


Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ingrid Margo Journalist

“Hey every body, what ever happened to good Will Toward Mankind?”

Clouds show EM Energy in China
and do check the Video link

Instead we see American Politicians conspire with Murderers Land Grabbers and Thieves. No surprise though, like attracts like, but it is outrageous that candidate after candidate got up and spoke against Freedom and declared support for Zionist mass murderers. Who are terrorists and enemies of man kind? What was that display of shouting hatred and horror? Obviously they want more of what’s not theirs.

And let us not forget, they kill their own when it fits their program.

Indication is that the Chinese earthquake was indeed EM generated and was eminent. The energy from the EM Weapon clearly visible in hovering clouds above Chengdu it was seen between 10 - 30 minutes prior to the earth quake; the EM activity was clearly visible in clouds above.
They weren’t able to hide that.

Obama, Pro Israel, terrifying political PNAC/Zionist propaganda. The speech comes after his nomination. Hillary Clinton became a traitor to mankind as well.

Israel has more than 150 nuclear weapons. Israel and US have ties and he speaks about the Holocaust the terrible Holocaust when US liberators then, saw that tens of thousand dead of hunger and disease in concentration camps, never mind the evil then, we bare witness of that same evil and horror in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries PNAC subjugated right now .

Obama and Clinton ridiculous glorification of the Zionist PNAC murderers in their speeches and millions murdered in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Obama speaks about the US commitment to the Zionists terrorists?
He says Jews and Blacks have stood shoulder to shoulder, justice and voices together even if the mightiest fall down he says. What are the PNAC trying to accomplish with this shameless display of propaganda, murder more innocent people?
What has Israel accomplished in the last 60 years? Rather what has the US/Zionist/ PNAC accomplished in the last 60 years. The answer is before us;
Murder, Chaos, Confusion, world hunger, Disease and Lies, indeed they make a lovely couple.
The vilification against Syria and Iran has started in earnest.

The Zionist murderers in Lebanon from two years ago denied and the blame goes to Iran, hog wash.
Israel should defend itself from any threat from Gaza to Iran says Obama enhance missile defense systems and grab more land for the PNAC their lovely twin brother.

Real security, we bring as friends of Israel says Obama. Have we not heard that crap from Bush just recently, celebrating a liberation like pretence with the Zionists.

Obama goes on, he says there is no room for terrorist organizations at the negotiating table, then, by all means the US and Zionists should be denied a seat at that table.

All these liars Obama, McCain even Clinton are moving in the same direction as Bush, traveling the road to war and not peace. We see the Zionist/PNAC cancer metastasized, with even more lenticels than before and we thought that wasn’t possible.

Jerusalem, he says, must remain the undivided capital of Israel. The cheering crowd at the frightening Obama miscarriage of a speech, are the Jewish lobbyists all 7 million, licking their lips and donating more money for war and politics.
He threatens Iran and he lays down the red carpet for the next PNAC invasion.

They are never leaving Iraq and he will do everything in his power to prevent Iran from attaining a nuclear weapon though the US allows Israel over 150 of the little gems.
They’re all raising there voices.

Ehud Olmert razes his voice, he speaks out against Iran; sounds like political saber rattling, the prelude for the McCain war, the next one in the Middle East, Syria/Iran.
They’re all speaking out against Iran and Syria and they’re all talking very loud. It’s appalling and not in the best interest of Mankind. We hear rhetoric similar to the Iraq prelude.

Olmert uses language like “stopped, catastrophic, devastating and what should Iran be stopped from, minding their own business, something the Zionists haven’t been able to manage since their inception. That would be 60 years since they devastated the Palestinian Nation and the Zionists are still at it, they’re still lying and slaughtering innocent civilians.

The PNAC is using Olmert for additional PNAC/Zionist propaganda. Does Olmert mean to say Catastrophic like Hiroshima, Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, the devastating Food shortage and please do stop manufactured US/Israel/PNAC catastrophes please.
Olmert seems to suffer from the road map up his keister and from severe constipation to the brain.
And why must we hear the endless whining about the Holocaust again? Remember they kill their own. We guess peace means subjugation.

Every 6 seconds a child dies from hunger and Obama is for Israel, look at all the dead, all the dead Children. Iraq, April 2008 over 500 dead, in April 2008 over 1000, Afghanistan 2001 to present over 5000, its called operation Freedom,

US military far over 5000 dead, that’s called the Bush quagmire. He’s hiding the accurate number of dead every where, killing the children saves the Organization money, get them young, don’t have to feed them for 30-70 years, save money, business as usual.
Israel slaughtered their own, when Dr Sheva used out dated X-ray machines in the 50s mercilessly murdered more than 70,000 innocent Israeli children, radiating them to death with permission of the Israeli ministry of health. And that wouldn’t be the first time Israel murdered their own. ……

Ah yes the Holocaust, comes to mind again, the ever lasting whining deceiving Holocaust.

Sarkozy and Berlusconi, PNAC hired hands are devastating France and Italy. Those two screw millions of people with their hands tied behind their back; and get rich in the process.

Oh look McCain has people around him with dark skin, sure that’ll help. His physical illnesses, basal cell and squamous carcinoma, HBP, Lymph excavation and he’s some what pale around the gills. He is on interesting medications, but hey every body, he’s well and healthy, according to the PNAC propaganda machine.

And we do believe what they say, because they are truthful upstanding citizens with out moral and they don’t lie, much.

Remember Christ, one of Gods disciples, at the end, all the guys split, the women stayed. Hillary Clinton the best has turned, Clinton and Obama lay down the gauntlet the PNAC will throw all those votes to McCain to make it look good. They need to continue wars and they’re all pulling together for Zion.

What we need is more Summits, and propaganda for the PNAC/Zionists, stupid, lame, senseless, nonsense propaganda for the evil minded, planned predisposed wars lurking just around the corner.

The cancerous pale faced Arizona Senator and bellowing Zionist Olmert from Israel are very fine PNAC examples, yes indeed.

WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says loudly, Hezbollah, backed by Syria and Iran, is killing and injuring innocent civilians in Lebanon. Rice’s confusion obviously doesn’t allow her to remember that it was Israel that murdered innocent civilians in Lebanon. Israel didn’t really bomb, bomb, bomb Lebanon.

Rice says that Hezbollah is trying to protect its "state-within-a-state." Wait just one moment, Hezbollah has been legitimately voted for. Israel should mind its own business and shouldn’t interfere in other countries internal affairs.

John McCain on the other hand can’t wait to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran and Syria together with Olmert.
Oh and what ever is still standing in Lebanon, they’ll take all of it down while they’re at it. And yes Palestine will get some kind of brunt when the revolting, disgusting hell bent PNAC/Zionists cut lose again.

The sight of the shuttle breaking up above the Earth and sending a meteoric streak of debris across the sky was horrifyingly reminiscent of the Challenger disaster almost exactly 17 years ago to the day. Who really knows why the two US shuttles disintegrated? What was on the PNAC mind at the time, hiding weapons in space is one possibility.

An independent commission under the PNAC/Bush thumb was appointed to investigate the cause of the mishaps.
Nothing has been heard about the findings by that independent commission. Challenger and Columbia gone, simply gone

Governments are notoriously bad, do bad things for the people, they’re against the public, and then the lie, they couldn’t possibly speak the truth, it’s to horrifying to see grown men slaughter children, yes they do that and they sleep at night and they don’t care.

Do we seriously believe Bush eats one rationed portion of rice a day and drinks contaminated water?
That is certainly not on the Corporation menu.
While the Bush crowd maintains their Life Style, the people pay higher costs for meager meals, plus the people pay for the opulent Life Style of the Corporation members.

The US supposedly pack up their war ships and is leaving waters off Burma; no deep glowing rubies today.

Sweet romance for war moves on to where there is an easy target and where it’s not so obvious. The ambitious plan not abandoned, their reign of horror continues.
Millions of the human species will starve; trillions will be spent on wars and war toys.

Tiananmen Square remembers the 1989 massacre, the recent massacre in Tibet forgotten, a child dies every 6 seconds from hunger, the band plays on and the people clap and sing.

Show us a pie chart; push the god damn button.
John Mc Cain has got the PNAC manipulating for him and the PNAC manipulate him.
The world has never seen such a long political voting fiasco to confuse and make things hard to understand.
The historic event lacks spontaneity it has the dark controlling hand moving all politics in the US and the world.

Nomination moves passed racism, is quite frankly political propaganda for the self glorifying PNAC; we are the good guys, how significant is this?
Ask any man woman and child on Indian reservations or any black citizen living in US ghettos, how far passed racism in reality they are, they’ll tell you how that works,.
The little white war guy from Arizona gets the gold ring that’s how it works and that’s how it will be.

Perhaps this is all a nightmare, perhaps Israel is the good guy too, like the US.
Wake up, they are liars and thieves and they are brutal terrorists.
The US and Israel, these two nations dictate to Iran and the world how to behave. How ludicrous is that?
Hey thanks, prostitutes of Zion your are to kind.
Heil, Hale the PNAC Zionists, here is to slaughter and brutality.
Heil Bush, Heil to PNAC Subjugation and the mass murder of humanity and all their humongous lies.

No not really, not yet, we have not gone down to their level and we never will.

In their world it’s dark and rainy, its mass murder lies, deceit and corruption, its matter and antimatter, EM technology, Nuclear weapons, Earthquakes death and destruction.

However we must be fair, we must recognize their ugliness, their brutality and lies and stand tall in contrast.
There will be survivors to this Holocaust and these survivors will not be Zionist whiners.

See you next time


Blue Text

10 mins before the 2008 Sichuan earthquake in China

30 minutes before Sichuan earthquake

The sewage sludge industry
Today, waste disposal firms spread more than half of the 7 million tons of organic and inorganic toxins on American farms as “fertilizer.”

Andy McElmurray, a farmer in Hephzibah, Ga., fed his dairy cows silage that had been fertilized with sewage sludge laced with heavy metals. More than 300 of them died.

In February, a federal judge ordered the Department of Agriculture to compensate McElmurray for losses incurred when his land was poisoned between 1979 and 1990 by applications of Augusta, Ga., sewage sludge. That sludge contained levels of arsenic that were two times higher than EPA standards allow; of thallium (a heavy metal used as rat poison) that were 25 times higher; and of PCBs that were 2,500 times higher.

What’s more, milk from his neighbor’s dairy farm was sent to market with thallium levels 120 times higher than those allowed by the EPA in public drinking water.

Police to Seal Off D.C. Neighborhoods
Can you say Police State? The Examiner has the scoop on a controversial new program announced today that would create so-called "Neighborhood Safety Zones" which would serve to partially seal off certain parts of the city. D.C. Police would set-up checkpoints in targeted areas, demand to see ID and refuse admittance to people who don't live there, work there or have a “legitimate reason” to be there. Wow. Just, wow.

Some of the words used to describe such a plan by those quoted in the Examiner story include "breathtaking" and "cockamamie," but that hardly begins to scratch the surface. Interim Attorney General Peter Nickles actually said that measures of this sort have "been used in other cities.” Which cities are those, Mr. Nickles? Warsaw?

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